Talon Class - TalonRing/Talon-DevKit GitHub Wiki

Talon Class

The main entry point to the Talon SDK API is the Talon class.

To use the Talon SDK, you must have a game object in your scene with the Talon script attached.

Method Description
Scan() Scan nearby TalonRing devices.
Connect(string deviceId) Connect TalonRing by device ID.
IsConnected(string deviceId) Check if TalonRing is connected by device ID.
GetConnectedRing(string deviceId) Returns connected TalonRing's instance by device ID.

Modify properties through Unity Insepector

Property Description
TalonConfig config Configurations for TalonRing.
OnDiscovered TalonRing discovered event.
OnConnected TalonRing connected event.
OnDisconnected TalonRing disconnected event.