Run server with mongo and POST GET data base - Taller-2/app-server GitHub Wiki

Primero escribimos en una terminal situada en la raiz del repositorio lo siguiente: (taller2) sebastian@sebastian:~/git/Taller2/app-server$ sudo docker-compose up --build

y en otra terminal situada en la raiz del repositorio escribimos lo siguiente:

 (taller2) sebastian@sebastian:~/git/Taller2/app-server$ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"name":"xyz","email":"xyz"}' http://localhost:5000/user
  "message": "User created successfully!", 
  "ok": true
 (taller2) sebastian@sebastian:~/git/Taller2/app-server$ curl --request GET http://localhost:5000/user?name=xyz
  "_id": "5b860a05a063c41231e517b2", 
  "email": "xyz", 
  "name": "xyz"