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Literature study on verifying approximation solutions

Contractors (Applied interval Analysis: Ch. 4)

Contracting means replacing an interval [x] by smaller interval domain [x'] s.t. solution set remains unchanged. Basic contractors we can use; C_Gauss_elimination, C_Gauss-Seidel, C_krawczyk, C_newton. The working principles are described in the book (Ch 4.2). It is also possible to implement a collaboration between different contractors, because the accuracy of results can differ for each contractor dependent on the input function.

This project did an implementation of root finding using contractors in Julia (never heard of this coding language): https://github.com/JuliaIntervals/IntervalRootFinding.jl

--- Casper --- I've never heard of Julie either (Demet)

Found an interesting article with 'interval-Newton Generalized-Bisection (IN/GB)' method. For me, it started to make sense with yesterdays meeting :). https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijem/2013/768474/ref/