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PaCMan Vision

PaCMaN Vision

Read the following documentation to learn how to use PaCMaN Vision.

  • Build Instructions - Install and build instruction, with basic dependencies.
  • Basic Node - Basic node usage instructions and capabilities.
  • Sensor Module - Sensor Module usage and capabilities.
  • Recognition Modules - Modules for object recognition and pose estimation, plus 3D object tracking.
  • Listener Module - Module for listening to a Robot Kinematics and perform precise filtering to remove it from the point cloud stream.

To launch PaCMaN Vision you can use the launch file provided within the package.

roslaunch pacman_vision pacman_vision.launch

And optionally view the supported arguments you can pass to it.

roslaunch pacman_vision pacman_vision.launch --ros-args 
Optional Arguments:
  bridge_max_depth (default "2.0"): Maximum distance in meters to consider when creating the point clouds from kinect2_bridge.
  launch_kinect2_bridge (default "false"): true if you want to include kinect2_bridge launch file. 
  launch_openni2 (default "false"): true if you want to include openni2_launch file.
  launch_vito (default "false"): true if you want to include vito description launch file. It will be run in simulation mode.
  load (default "default"): Load a configuration from yaml file named as this argument, without extension (yaml files must be located into config subfolder of this node).
  run_rviz (default "true"): If true runs rviz gui with config stored under config directory.
  run_service_caller (default "false"): If true runs rqt_service_caller gui for calling various services
  separate_term (default "false"): Launch PaCMan Vision into a separate Terminal instance. Useful to clearly read output.