Requirements Specification, Modeling, Planning - TaaviGilden/The-Team GitHub Wiki

Homework 2 - Requirements Specification, Modeling, Planning


  • Title - Split bills into smaller bills
  • Precondition - Four people sit in the bar - they order the bill - they decide to split it in 2
  • Primary Actor - Waitress Mary Lee Jones
  • Main Success Scenario - Waitress splits bill using the split bills into smaller bills functionality
  • Extensions - They decide not to split the bill - waiter cancels the splitting

###USE CASE #2

  • Title - Accept card payments
  • Precondition - A customer orders a beer
  • Primary Actor - Waitress Bella Bilson
  • Main Success Scenario - The customer pays with a credit card
  • Extensions - The customer pays by cash

###USE CASE #3

  • Title - Record cash registers initial and end states
  • Precondition - Head waiter starts the day by filling the register - day passes - system registers end state
  • Primary Actor - Head Waitress Fiona Malšovich
  • Main Success Scenario - Actual amount of money matches amount counted by system
  • Extensions - Some money seems to be missing, more money than registered by system

###USE CASE #4

  • Title - GUI
  • Precondition - The customer orders a beer
  • Primary Actor - Waiter John Ron Fellow
  • Main Success Scenario - The waiter uses the GUI to use the POS system - POS system prints the receipt
  • Extensions - Customer decides that he doesn’t want a beer - waiter cancels the order

###USE CASE #5

  • Title - Send advertisements to regular patrons
  • Precondition - The restaurant has completed a new poster for this months offers
  • Primary Actor - Manager John Smith
  • Main Success Scenario - Manager sends the advertisement to all regular patrons
  • Extensions - Some customers have removed their subscriptions, they don’t get advertisements

##DOMAIN MODEL Domain Model