Configuration - TUMFARSynchrony/SynthARium GitHub Wiki


There are several configuration options when setting up this project. If using the installer, some of the configurations such as Password, Dockerized OpenFace, ChatGPT, and Ngrok tokens, are accessible and can be enabled on the Launcher page. For those using a manual build/setup, the configurations are set in the .env file and config.json for the frontend and backend respectively.

Frontend Configuration

The frontend is configured using frontend/.env.

  • VITE_BACKEND : address of the backend server. Only used if server is served using development mode. Make sure to use the correct protocol (http vs. https)
  • VITE_CHAT_GPT_API_KEY - optional : a API key which can be bought from OpenAI and configured to be used for the experimenter or participants.
  • VITE_ICE_SERVERS - optional : list of ICE servers which are used when users are connecting to backend
  • HTTPS : Whether HTTPS should be used. Only used if server is served using development mode
  • SSL_CRT_FILE - optional : Path to SSL certificate. If not specified a self-signed certificate is used. Only used if server is served using development mode
  • SSL_KEY_FILE - optional : Path to SSL key. If not specified a self-signed certificate is used. Only used if server is served using development mode

[!NOTE] Please make sure to restart the development server or the rebuild the app after changing the config.

Backend Configuration

The backend is configured using backend/config.json.

  • experimenter_password - str: password experimenters must provide to authenticate themselves
  • host - str : host address the backend should use
  • port - int : port the backend should use
  • environment - str : dev or prod
  • serve_frontend - bool : Whether the server should serve the frontend out of the frontend/build folder. Set to false if the frontend is hosted by a different server (see note bellow)
    • Developer Note: A better way to host the frontend would be using a Reverse Proxy like nginx or CDN services, as noted in aiohttp which we use for hosting.
  • https - bool : Whether the backend should use https
  • ssl_cert - str : path to ssl certificate. Only used if https is true
  • ssl_key - str : path to ssl private key. Only used if https is true
  • log - str : Logging level for Hub. Must be one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. Default: INFO
  • log_file - null | str : If given, the logger will write the log into the file instead of the console
  • log_dependencies - str : Logging level for project 3rd party dependencies (see requirements.txt). Must be one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG. Default: WARNING. Using INFO or DEBUG may lead to a strong increase in output.
  • ping_subprocesses - float : If greater than 0, all subprocesses will be pinged in an interval defined by the value of ping_subprocesses (in seconds). Used for debugging, default should be 0.0.
  • experimenter_multiprocessing - bool : If true, experimenter connections will be executed on independent processes
  • participant_multiprocessing - bool : If true, participant connections will be executed on independent processes

Logging overview

The following logging levels are available for log and log_dependencies in the configuration:

debug x - - - -
info x x - - -
warning x x x - -
error x x x x -
critical x x x x x
  • If the logger is set to INFO, information with the debug level is ignored and only important events are logged, possibly with less detail.
  • If the logger is set to DEBUG everything is logged. This also includes additional information that can be helpful in debugging.