Backend Architecture - TUMFARSynchrony/SynthARium GitHub Wiki



This page outlines general concepts used and gives an overview over the backend architecture.

For more details about specific classes, please see code documentation.

Open diagram

Backend Architecture Class Diagram

User, Participant and Experimenter

User Base Class

User acts as a base class for all user types. It handles common functionality, such as: the connection, parsing of incoming messages and subscribing to other users streams.

Subclasses of User use the on_message function to add listeners for incoming messages from the client.

Participant and Experimenter

The subclasses of User, Participant and Experimenter, provide API endpoints specific to the user type.

Each instance of Participant or Experimenter represents a connected participant / experimenter. When the connected user disconnects, the class instance is removed.


The SessionManager implements loading and saving sessions from / to permanent storage. If a session is updated, the SessionManager will update the data on the permanent storage.

Data module

The data module includes the following python data classes: SessionData, ParticipantData, PositionData, SizeData and the private _BaseDataClass.

When data in one of the above classes is modified, e.g. because a SAVE_SESSION request, the classes detect the changes and notify the SessionManager, so that it can update the data on the permanent storage.


For details about the Connection and SubConnection, see: connection protocol


An experiment is an instantiated session, which is created when a experimenter starts an experiment. It is based on a session and allows participants to connect.

[Authors] Alexander Liebald