Submission Process - TUM-FAF/WP GitHub Wiki

Submission Process

All reports should be in English and in .PDF or Markdown format

How to

First of all you need access to a private/public organization repository. How to do it?

When your repository is set up, I suggest doing following steps:

  1. Clone repository on your working machine (if it is new uninitialized repository than you'll have to initialize it)
  • Add .gitignore and README files
  • Create laboratory work #1 folder (Lab#1)
  • Work on your lab, commit often (when necessary)
  • When your work is done, write a readme that explains what you've done, any problems you encountered, any things you are proud of (and other related stuff). If you project requires some specific steps to be done in order to compile/run your project, add this details in README.
  • Merge branch with master (if you didn't work on master)
  • Push changes to GitHub
  • Create a laboratory work report that will contain:
    • Title page
    • A list of gained points (implemented features)
    • Next pages - a copy of readme
    • Theory (an average of 0.5 to 2 pages) [if you consider it necessary]
    • Explanation of how you've done/implemented laboratory tasks (make references to code snippets from Appendices)
    • Screen shots of features you had implemented
    • Conclusion (0.3 to 1 page)
    • Bibliography (if any)
    • Title of the .pdf file should follow this pattern: (PPE FAF 161 Surname Name Lab#0.pdf) (if you decide to work create a pdf and not include this in the readme file)
  • Submit your report and a link to your GitHub repository to my email (you can ask for it in class :wink:).

An example report can be found here

Submit your report to my email with the subject [TUM][FAF Labs][PPE] Surname Name.

Be ready to answer questions from university guidebook.