Reading List - TREC-Agroecology/lab-wiki GitHub Wiki
Agriculture and Ecology
- Cox & Atkins, 1979, Agricultural Ecology: An analysis of world food production
- Lowrance, Stinner, and House, 1984, Agricultural Ecosystems: Unifying Concepts
- Francis, 1986, Multiple Cropping Systems
- Altieri, 1987, Agroecology: The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture
- Mollison, 1988, Permaculture Designers Manual
- Bunce, Ryszkowski, and Paoletti, 1993, Landscape Ecology and Agroecosystems
- Jackson, 1997, Ecology in Agriculture
- Collins & Qualset, 1999, Biodiversity in Agroecosystems
- Gleissman, 2007, Agroecology: The ecology of sustainable food systems
- National Research Council, 2010
- Connor, Loomis, and Cassman, 2011, Crop Ecology
- Vandermeer, 2011, The Ecology of Agroecosystems
- Dennison, 2012, Darwinian Agriculture
Plant Physiology, Metabolic Scaling Theory
- Huxley (1972) Problems of Relative Growth
- Niklas (1992) Plant Biomechanics
- Tyree, Zimmermann (2002) Xylem Structure and the Ascent of Sap
- Sibly, Brown, & Kodric-Brown (2012) Metabolic Ecology: A scaling approach