Getting Started in the Lab - TREC-Agroecology/lab-wiki GitHub Wiki

What are the first things you need to know when you join TREC Agroecology?

TREC Admin

Refer to New Hire/Visitor Orientation Packet:

T:\Unit\Administrative\HOW TO's\New Hire_Visitor Orientation 8 20 18

  • Set up a meeting by email with Maria Bernal in the TREC Administration Building. She will process your hire.

  • When you visit, be prepared to be introduced to the rest of the Admin staff and possibly be photographed by Rosa for your official TREC portrait which goes on the website.

  • Prepare any materials and complete any trainings Maria asks of you. One form you will be given is a list of mandatory UF training sessions, which you will sign and return after completing the trainings.

    • Training navigation
      • > main menu > my self service > trainings and development > my trainings > search by training code
    • Reference List of Required Training (Training requirements change frequently, so complete trainings as per TREC HR)
      • RJE101 - Managing Bias
      • OOC101 - Compliance & Ethics: Doing Your Part for the Gator Good
      • GET803 - Maintaining a Safe & Respectful Campus
      • EHS809A - Hazardous Waste Off-Campus
      • EHS819 - Heat Stress
      • Recycling at TREC
      • KOG_100 - At-Risk for Faculty & Staff Kognito Training
      • PST501 - Property 101
  • Maria is great! Do what she says and you will be ok.

TREC Agroecology Lab Personnel and Graduate Students

  • Sign up for GitHub
  • Now that you are a lab member, you should request to be added to the lab's Github and the shared folder - this is where we manage and organize documents.
  • Send an email to Zack with your GitHub username to request access to the wiki. If you have never used Github before, follow the above link and sign up
  • Send another email to Zack to ask if it's necessary to request access to the lab shared folder Agronomy/. In some cases, it may not be needed. (NOTE: There is currently no lab shared folder setup yet)
  • Send another email to Zack with a picture and personal description for the TREC Agroeoclogy Website.
  • Review 'Personnel Docs' on the Wiki homepage.