Main Page Component - TJohn2017/Laputa GitHub Wiki

The main page, detailed in MainPageView.swift is where the user can view all of their hosts and canvases, from which they can start new sessions. They can also add and edit hosts and canvases from this page.

When hosts and canvases are created or edited, they get saved to CoreData. Canvases saved to a new Canvas entity, and hosts gets saved to a new Host entity. Details on the attributes contained in these entities are below.

Host entity

General Attributes

Attribute Type Functionality
host String host to connect to (eg '')
name String a user-inputted name to identify this host with
password String if authenticating by password, the user's SSH password
port String port to connect to; default is 22
privateKey String if authenticating by pubKey, the private key
privateKeyPassword String if authenticating by pubKey, the private key password
publicKey String if authenticating by pubKey, the public key that is used
username String the user's SSH username
authenticationTypeRawValue String authentictation type; could be password or publicPrivateKey

Canvas entity

See the Canvas section of the Canvas & Code Card Components page.

Sheets for adding, editing, and selecting hosts and canvases

Whenever the user wants to create or edit canvases or hosts, or add one to a session, the app will bring up a sheet for this. There are several sheets for various flows in the app, described below.

For starting up multiple hosts or canvases in one session:

  • AddCanvasView
  • AddHostView

For creating or editing hosts and canvases:

  • EntityInputView (a general wrapper for the next two sheets)
  • InputCanvasView
  • InputHostView

For selecting a host or canvas that will newly split the screen during a session:

  • SelectCanvasView
  • SelectHostView

SelectCanvasView and SelectHostView have an extra binding, navToSessionActive which is used to automatically navigate to the session page when a host or canvas has been selected from the main page in particular.

These sheets can be categorized into different types under the ActiveSheet enum:

enum ActiveSheet: Identifiable {
    // inputSheet: sheet to be used when creating or editing host or canvas info.
    case inputSheet
    // selectCanvas: sheet to be used when selecting a single canvas from a list of
    //               canvases in tandem with a single selected host.
    case selectCanvas
    // selectHost: sheet to be used when selecting a single host from a list of hosts
    //             in tandem with a single selected canvas.
    case selectHost
    // addCanvas: sheet to be used when selecting a canvas to append to a list of
    //            of canvases.
    case addCanvas
    // addHost: sheet to be used when selecting a hos to append to a list of hosts.
    case addHost
    var id: Int {