Automation Testing using RobotFramework - TJCrisostomo/WebUIAutomation GitHub Wiki
Automation Testing Tools for Web UI and API Testing
Vagrant will help setup portable and reproducible virtual development environment, which will be hosted by Virtual Box.
Using the tool would help other team members to setup their Automation testing development environment that is consistent to those who have already started development
The tool will eliminate the tedious processes of installing each of the tools to be used for automation test development on the user’s machine.
Virtual Box will be used to host the Virtual Machine with the Automation test development Environment
The Virtual Machine would be running with Linux CentOS
Selenium will be used to automate browser-based applications.
Robot Framework Selenium2Library will used as the Automation Framework in conjunction with selenium.
Python will be used for scripting in order to extend implemented test libraries of the framework and to create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases or to pattern from existing manual executed test cases.
Eclipse will be the IDE for creation of libraries.
PyDev will be the plugin support for Eclipse to support Python scripting.
Automation Testing Environment Installation
You should have Vagrant and VirtualBox already installed.
a. Get the Vagrant windows or mac installers on this link.
b. Install the package using standard procedures for your operating system.
c. The installer will automatically add vagrant to your system path so that it is available in terminals.
d. If it is not found, please try logging out and logging back in to your system (this is particularly necessary sometimes for Windows).
e. Get the VirtualBox windows or mac installers on this link.
f. Install the package using standard procedures for your operating system.
Download the Vagrantfile and on bitbuck.
Copy Vagrantfile and to a directory. (ex d:\vagrant or in /Users/Shared/Vagrant)
Open up a command prompt
cd to the directory where you've copied the files
Type in: vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Wait for the message “Installed the plugin 'vagrant-vbguest ….”
Type in: vagrant up
Wait for provisioning to finish. "Provisioning done. Please reboot VM." will be reported in the command prompt.