How do I create specific demo data for Queue? - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki
Oftentimes, developers, product, and training alike will find themselves needing something specific to test—maybe a case to dispatch, or an AOD appeal? Fear not: this document seeks to answer those questions!
Some features you may want to use:
- Add a substitute appellant: Enable the
feature flag, log in as a Clerk of the Board user ("Clark Bard" in dev), and then visit an appeal which has been dispatched.
An appeal which has been dispatched
In the UI
- Log in as a BVA Dispatch user like
- Go to their queue and click on the "Completed" tab. link
- Pick a case and copy the link
In the Rails console
original_appeal = FactoryBot.create(:appeal, :dispatched,
associated_judge: JudgeTeam.first.judge,
associated_attorney: JudgeTeam.first.attorneys.first);
FactoryBot.create_list(:request_issue, 2, :rating, :with_rating_decision_issue,
decision_review: original_appeal,
veteran_participant_id: Veteran.first.participant_id
# Then go to /queue/appeals/THIS_UUID_BELOW