Hearings Task Trees - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki
Disclaimer: There are exceptions to all of these cases in the data. The visualizations and descriptions below are meant to be illustrative, not exhaustive.
Hearing task parents and children
HearingTasks are parented by a RootTask (legacy appeals) or a DistributionTask (AMA appeals). A distribution or root task can have many hearing task children.
A HearingTask has only one ScheduleHearingTask child.
Note: In the following diagrams the DistributionTask or RootTask parent is generally left out unless it's relevant to the action being described (as is any other part of the appeal's task tree). For simplicity the diagrams always show a DistributionTask as the HearingTask's parent.
Scheduling a hearing
Scheduling a hearing completes the ScheduleHearingTask and creates an AssignHearingDispositionTask as a child of the HearingTask.
Assigning a hearing's disposition
Selecting the "Held" disposition for a hearing puts the AssignHearingDispositionTask on hold and creates a TranscriptionTask as a child of it.
AMA appeals also have an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask opened for 90 days and assigned to the Mail organization (unless the appellant waives it).
Postponed or Scheduled in Error
Selecting the "Postponed" or "Scheduled in error" disposition cancels the AssignHearingDispositionTask and the parent HearingTask. It also creates a new HearingTask and child ScheduleHearingTask, which might get completed shortly thereafter if the user reschedules immediately.
No show
Selecting the "No show" disposition creates a NoShowHearingTask, which goes on hold along with its parent for up to 15 days.
When the no show timer expires
If after 15 days a user has not already cancelled or completed the task with an action, the TimedHoldTask, parent NoShowHearingTask, and grandparent AssignHearingDispositionTask are all completed. HearingTasks for legacy appeals will be completed at this point, but HearingTasks for AMA appeals will remain on hold while an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask is opened for 90 days and assigned to the Mail organization.
Selecting the "Cancelled" disposition cancels the AssignHearingDispositionTask and the parent HearingTask. AMA appeals also have an EvidenceSubmissionWindowTask opened for 90 days and assigned to the Mail organization.
Changing a disposition
If a disposition hasn't been entered after 48 hours, Caseflow creates a ChangeHearingDispositionTask parented by the HearingTask and assigned to the Hearing Admin organization.
Hearings Management team members can also create a ChangeHearingDispositionTask with the "Send for hearing disposition change" action on some tasks (e.g., a no show hearing task).
Less common hearing tasks
Confirm schedule hearing
When a judge or attorney adds an admin action to "Confirm schedule hearing", it creates a top-level ScheduleHearingColocatedTask (i.e., it has no parent).
When a user in the Hearings Management organization chooses the "Hearing does need to be scheduled" action it completes the ScheduleHearingColocatedTask and creates a HearingTask/ScheduleHearingTask parent and child for the appeal.