Explain page for Appeals - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki

Caseflow has an explain page for administrative users, specifically those in the CaseflowSupport and BoardProductOwners organizations and Caseflow engineers. The page reveals the underlying data for an appeal and presents it using various visualizations, towards the goal of data democracy (making data available to more users regardless of technical know-how) and data self-service (empowering users to investigate problems themselves). The visualizations facilitate quick understanding of an appeal and reveal associated data that users may not be aware of.

There is no link from any Caseflow page to the Explain page. The Explain page for any appeal is accessed by replacing queue in the Case Details URL with explain, so the URL syntax is https://appeals.cf.ds.va.gov/explain/appeals/<uuid>. The page was implemented for AMA appeals; legacy appeals should also work but the presented data may be limited.

If you don't have the uuid (for AMA appeals) or vacols_id (for legacy appeals), use this URL syntax instead:

  • for AMA appeals: https://appeals.cf.ds.va.gov/explain/appeals/ama-<id>
  • for legacy appeals: https://appeals.cf.ds.va.gov/explain/appeals/legacy-<id>

The Explain page contains the following:


Section Screenshot
Task Tree image
Intake Tree image
Hearing Tree image
Timeline Chart image
Network Graph image
Narrative Table image
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