Debugging Tips - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki

Debugging Tips

This page provides an introduction to debugging in Caseflow. Post your questions and ask someone to answer it on this page.

Also see these:

ActiveRecord vs ActiveModel

ActiveRecord vs. ActiveModel

  • ActiveRecord - e.g., Appeal or Tasks in Caseflow's DB
  • ActiveModel - e.g., LegacyAppeals in VACOLS

Related: where vs. find

> Task.where(id: [1, 2]).class
=> Task::ActiveRecord_Relation

> Task.find([1, 2]).class
=> Array

URLs handled by a Rails Controller

Given a controller, look for the controller name on the right-hand side of bundle exec rake routes output (or http://localhost:3000/rails/info/routes if Caseflow is running). The left-side shows the URL (aka, API call). Grep for that URL in js and jsx code to find pages and components that use the given controller.

For more, see

Which React component is this web element?

  • Install React Developer Tools browser extension.
  • Load the relevant web page.
  • Open Developer Tools in the browser; open the "Components" tab. A hierarchy of React components should be shown.
  • Click on the square-with-arrow icon on the upper left (but within the tab), then select the web element on the web page.
  • On the right side of the tab, scroll down to the "rendered by" section to see relevant React components.

Given a SomeComponentView.jsx, how do I navigate to it?

  • Trial and error
  • More experience with the Caseflow UI and how it is used by users. See training material.
  • Find RSpecs that use the view to get an idea when it is used.

How is a web element populated?

  • Install Redux DevTools browser extension
  • Load the relevant web page.
  • Open Developer Tools in the browser
    • Open the "Redux" tab. A hierarchy of React components should be shown.
      • Open the "Network" tab. You may have to reload the web page or reopen Developer Tools.
        • Click on rows to see the "Request URL" on the right side of the tab. These requests are handled by Rails controllers (see other section).
  • Redux explanation with example from Queue:
    • React components dispatch Redux actions, which get processed by Redux reducers based on the action type. All reducers are contained in a single agglomerate reducer, which returns a JavaScript object used to update the Redux store.
    • client/app/queue/reducers.js: defines reducers associated with names that will be seen in the "Redux" developer tool tab. The result of these reducers are used to modify the state of the store.
    • client/app/queue/QueueActions.js defines functions that use ApiUtil to submit a request to the backend and maps the response to an action object, which has a type that is used to select a reducer and by convention corresponds to names in the "Redux" developer tool tab. The action object also has a payload that holds response data received from the backend.
  • Given an updated Redux store, any React component can retrieve store data. To do this, update the jsx file as follows:
    • Update the mapStateToProps function to extract specific data from the Redux state and return an object that is used as the props for React components.
    • TODO: describe mapDispatchToProps
    • Update propTypes to define the shape of the data.
    • Use the props within the React component.

Queue Frontend Development

How do you find a hearing?

  • Hearing for AMA appeals
    • Find using the appeal_id: Hearing.find_by(appeal_id: 864)
    • Find using the uuid:
      • Hearing.find_by(uuid: "25184d31-36c8-4bb0-864f-af3541de46fe")
      • or Hearing.find_hearing_by_uuid_or_vacols_id("25184d31-36c8-4bb0-864f-af3541de46fe")
  • LegacyHearing for Legacy appeals
    • Find using the vacols_id:
      • LegacyHearing.find_by(vacols_id: "707133")
      • or Hearing.find_hearing_by_uuid_or_vacols_id("707133")

How do you look up an appeal using the decision document id?

  • AttorneyCaseReview.find_by(document_id: "12345-12345678").appeal

Create Colocated Tasks in Dev/Demo


Create a bunch of colocated tasks to play with: { |action|
  FactoryBot.create(:ama_colocated_task, action, 
    assigned_by: User.first,
    assigned_to: Colocated.singleton, 
    appeal: FactoryBot.create(:appeal), 
    parent: FactoryBot.create(:task, assigned_to: User.first, assigned_by: User.first) ) }

Application Startup

  • Different environments are specified in config/environments/: demo, development, prod, staging, test
  • Base settings are in config/application.rb, including Rails console and pry, and are overridden by environment settings
  • Database settings are in config/database.yml
  • Application configurations are in config/initializers/; all .rb files in this directory are automatically loaded
    • fake_dependencies.rb calls Fakes::Initializer.app_init!(Rails.env), which for certain configurations:
      • sets User.authentication_service = Fakes::AuthenticationService
      • and User.authentication_service.user_session = { ... "FAKEUSER" }
      • This mimics ApplicationController.current_user.

User Sessions

About sessions and ActionController Session details.

  • User.authenticate! authenticates as a specific user or a default user with specified css_id and/or roles (see method definition in StubbableUser)
    • Feature RSpecs (those within ./spec/feature) and other RSpecs use User.authenticate!
    • It sets[:current_user] = user and User.stub = user
    • unauthenticate! resets these
  •[:current_user] = user sets the current user as user.
    • Many non-feature RSpecs use[:current_user] directly
    • It gets overridden in ApplicationController.current_user with every HTTP request based on info in the request.
  • Some early code uses User.stub to set the current user.

User.authenticate! and User.stub are provided by StubbableUser, which is only available for RSpec tests.

  • In StubbableUser, if stub is set, it is returned for User.from_session(session), which is used for authentication in ApplicationController

Authenticating in the Rails console

Below are two methods to authenticate as any user in the Rails console (of the development environment).

  • Method 1 makes use of Fakes::AuthenticationService providing .default_user_session, which is used when no one is authenticated. See User.from_session(session), which is used by StubbableUser.authenticate! (aka User.authenticate!).
  • Method 2 uses the '/test/set_user' route.
=> Fakes::AuthenticationService

# Who I want to authenticate as

# Method 1: Set me the default user
# Only works if you haven't authenticated yet (e.g., just started a new Rails console).
# But you don't need a CSRF token
User.authentication_service.user_session = User.authentication_service.get_user_session(
# To debug, add `binding.pry` in app/models/user.from_session(session)
app.get '/';  app.response.body[/userDisplayName.*/]

# Method 2: Get CSRF token and authenticate
app.get '/';
parameters = { authenticity_token: app.session.to_hash["_csrf_token"] }
# Repeat this for different user_ids as many times as you want "/test/set_user/#{}", params: parameters
app.get '/';  app.response.body[/userDisplayName.*/]

# To log out
app.get '/logout'

(Going to http://localhost:3000/test/users/me will show the _csrf_token in the browser.)

Get tasks for a Legacy Appeal

Certain tasks for legacy appeals are not saved to Caseflow's database. They are transient tasks and are created in memory based on VACOLS data using LegacyWorkQueue.tasks_by_appeal_id(vacols_id). The transient tasks are defined in app/models/legacy_tasks/.

To get the appeal's assignment history, pp