Backend Pattern Concern - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki
Concerns are a builtin of the Ruby on Rails Active Support component.
The high level concerpt of a concern is to contain functionality that may be used by multiple, otherwise unrelated models or controllers.
All Caseflow concerns live in app/models/concerns
or app/controllers/concerns
Caseflow Concerns, as of April 2020:
Controller Concerns:
authenticated_controller_action.rb hearings_concerns.rb
collect_data_dog_metrics.rb pagination_concern.rb
errors.rb track_request_id.rb
ama_case_distribution.rb has_task_history.rb
appeal_available_hearing_locations.rb has_virtual_hearing.rb
appeal_concern.rb hearing_time_concern.rb
associated_bgs_record.rb issue_updater.rb
associated_vacols_model.rb latest_rating_disability_evaluation.rb
asyncable.rb prints_task_tree.rb
bgs_service.rb proportion_hash.rb
business_line_task.rb run_asyncable.rb
cached_attributes.rb taskable.rb
case_review_concern.rb task_extension_for_hearings.rb
decision_syncable.rb task_tree_render_module.rb
has_business_line.rb timeable_task.rb
has_hearing_task.rb uploadable_document.rb
- Rails best practice places all concerns inside of
, and Caseflow follows that norm. - Rails also favors naming concerns with as an adjective with the -able prefix. Caseflow sometimes follows this norm.
- Concerns should focus on a single capability shared by unrelated objects
- Concerns should have limited dependencies to avoid collisions and conflicts in the importing models
- Concerns should name their functions thoughtfully, as those functions will be pulled into the utilizing code scope
Concerns DRY up the code at the cost of obscuring of dependencies.
- If the two models are related, consider Inheritance
- If the functionality exists in only one model, consider a PORO (Plain Old Ruby Object)
Examples of good concerns in Caseflow:
- gives both Appeal and LegacyAppeal the ability to access versions through the AppealTaskHistory service.
- Pros:
- Against/Concerns with Concerns