2021 11 17 Wisdom Wednesday Caseflow APIs - TISTATechnologies/caseflow GitHub Wiki
A tour of the Caseflow APIs
What's an API?
- Application Programming Interface
- A way for computer systems to talk to each other
- Server / client model
APIs that Caseflow uses as a client
- eFolder (documents)
- BGS (person data)
- soon to be supplemented with MPI
- VBMS (establishing claims)
- Lighthouse APIs
- GovDelivery (hearings emails)
- Pexip (video conferencing API for virtual hearings)
Caseflow is also an API server
Jobs API
- Used internally by Caseflow to schedule asynchronous jobs to be performed later
- Jobs are useful for a variety of purposes
- Priority Push
- Quarterly and annual metrics
- Sync data from BGS or VBMS
- Close out evidence submission windows
- Full list of jobs
- Used by IDT (Interactive Decision Template)
- Microsoft Word Macro, built in VBScript by our PO Paul Saindon
- Allows BVA Intake, attorneys, judges, and dispatch to generate Word documents using data fetched from Caseflow
- DSVA Slack channel #appeals-idt
- Caseflow Team Bravo did design research on how IDT is used, and what an IDT replacement might look like.
- List appeals
- for a Veteran
- with a task assigned to the current user
- List all VLJs
- User's own details (name, VACOLS attorney ID, roles)
- Appeal details
- Veteran and POA details
- Outcode appeal (create decision document, upload it to VBMS, trigger any downstream effects of decision)
- Upload document to VBMS
Appeals Status API
- Used by VA.gov Appeals Status
- Also used by Lighthouse
- Allows Veterans to query for the status of their Appeals, HLRs, and SCs
- Some possible statuses: pre-docket, pending hearing scheduling, scheduled hearing, evidentiary period, at VSO, on docket, decision in progress, etc.
- Also includes description of issues
Hearings API
- Used by VEText
- Allows VEText to query for all hearings scheduled for a given day
- Appeal ID
- Facility (address, room number, virtual)
- Veteran personal information
- Timezone
Decision Reviews API
- Used by Lighthouse, in turn used by VA.gov
- We have a biweekly touchpoint with the Lighthouse team
- DSVA Slack channel #appeals-api
- Publicly documented on the Lighthouse developer portal
- Under active development, with end goal of allowing Veterans to submit their own decision reviews on VA.gov
- Contestable Issues endpoint
- Future: submit 0995, 0996, or 10182 endpoint
- The canonical reference for Caseflow APIs is here, and I am indebted to Tomas's work on maintaining that page.
- A recording of this presentation is available.