Version |
Date |
Author |
Comment |
0.1 |
29.04.2022 |
Yannis Plaschko |
created |
0.2 |
04.05.2022 |
Yannis Plaschko |
Finalized Document |
1.0 |
05.05.2022 |
Yannis Plaschko |
Document format fix |
The STP (System Test Report) documents the actual results of the tests specified in the STP (System Test Plan)
- TC– Testcase
- TS – Testsuite
- GUI – Graphical User Interface
- API – Application Programming Interface
The following test objects must be verified:
Ref.-Id. |
Product Number |
Product Name |
Product Description |
1 |
Build v1.0 |
Websockets in a LwIP HTTP Server |
An implementation of Websockets and an API in LwIP |
The following equipment must be available for testing:
[1] SRS TINF20C Websockets with LwIP
6.1 Testsuite <TS-001 WebSocket with its Testclient>
6.1.1 <TC-001-001> (Choose the correct network adapter)
Testcase ID |
TC-001-001 |
Testcase Name |
Choose the correct network adapter |
Req.-ID |
LF10 |
Description |
This test case verifies that lwIP starts correctly after choosing the correct network adapter. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run lwIP.exe |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
2 |
Insert the correct number of your network adapter |
LwIP accepts the Input and runs correctly |
LwIP accepts the Input and runs correctly |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |
6.1.2 <TC-001-002> (Choose the wrong network adapter)
Testcase ID |
TC-001-002 |
Testcase Name |
Choose the wrong network adapter |
Req.-ID |
LF20 |
Description |
This test case verifies that lwIP fails noisy after choosing a wrong network adapter. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run lwIP.exe |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
2 |
Insert a wrong number which does not belong to a network adapter |
A Pop-Up with an error message should appear and the lwIP window will print an error |
A Pop-Up with an error message should appear and the lwIP window will print an error |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |
6.1.3 <TC-001-003> (Connect to the WebSocket)
Testcase ID |
TC-001-003 |
Testcase Name |
Connect to the WebSocket |
Req.-ID |
LF30 |
Description |
This test case verifies that the Testclient is able to connect to the WebSocket. |
Test Steps |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Open the Testclient |
Application starts without problems. |
Since there is no Testclient it cant be started |
2 |
Select "Connect" Menu point |
A Pop-Up with an input window should appear |
- |
3 |
Input the IP of the WebSocket and click on "connect" |
The GUI should show "Connection Established" and display a message field |
- |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Fail |
6.1.4 <TC-001-004> (Message the Server)
Testcase ID |
TC-001-004 |
Testcase Name |
Message the Server |
Req.-ID |
LF30, LF40 |
Description |
This test case verifies that a message sent to the server will be echoed back by it. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Connect the Testclient to a running WebSocket |
Application starts without problems. |
Since there is no Testclient it can't be started |
2 |
Select "Connect" Menu point |
A Pop-Up with an input window should appear |
- |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Fail |
6.1.5 <TC-001-005> (Disconnect from WebSocket)>
Testcase ID |
TC-001-005 |
Testcase Name |
Disconnect from WebSocket |
Req.-ID |
LF30, LF40, LF50 |
Description |
This test case verifies that the Testclient can destroy an existing connection. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Connect the Testclient to a running WebSocket |
Application starts without problems. |
Since there is no Testclient it can't be started |
2 |
Click on the "Disconnect" button |
The Testclient disconnects from the WebSocket and shows the message "Successfully disconnected" |
- |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Fail |
6.2 Testsuite <TS-002 API>
6.2.1 <TC-002-001> (Call API Root)>
Testcase ID |
TC-002-001 |
Testcase Name |
Call API Root ** ** |
Req.-ID |
LF60 |
Description |
This test case verifies that calling the Root Endpoint returns a sample website. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run the LwIP HttpServer |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
2 |
Open the Browser and type the IP of the Server in the Search bar and hit enter |
A Site should become visible with the Headline "LwIP Test Application", a Text block and a link to "/identification" |
A Site becomes visible with the Headline "LwIP Test Application", a Text block and a link to "/identification" |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |
6.2.2 <TC-002-001> (Call API Root)>
Testcase ID |
TC-002-002 |
Testcase Name |
Call API /something |
Req.-ID |
LF70 |
Description |
This test case verifies that calling a not existing endpoint results in the display of an error message. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run the LwIP HttpServer |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
2 |
Open the Browser and type the IP of the Server in the Search bar plus "/something" and hit enter |
The Browser should display an error Message depending on the used Browser. |
The Browser displays a error Message |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |
6.2.3 <TC-002-003> (Call API /identification directly)>
Testcase ID |
TC-002-003 |
Testcase Name |
Call API /identification directly |
Req.-ID |
LF80 |
Description |
This test case verifies whether a direct call displays information about the Server. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run the LwIP HttpServer |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
2 |
Open the Browser and type the IP of the Server in the Search bar plus "/identification" and hit enter |
The Browser should display the information about the server in JSON. |
The Browser displays the information about the server in JSON. |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |
6.2.4 <TC-002-004> (Call API /identification from root)>
Testcase ID |
TC-002-004 |
Testcase Name |
Call API /identification from root |
Req.-ID |
LF60, LF90 |
Description |
This test case verifies whether a click on the link redirects to displays information about the Server. |
Test Steps: |
Step |
Action |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
1 |
Run the LwIP HttpServer |
Application starts without problems. |
Application starts without problems. |
Open the Browser and type the IP of the Server in the Search and hit enter |
A Site should become visible with the Headline "LwIP Test Application", a Text block and a link to "/identification" |
A Site becomes visible with the Headline "LwIP Test Application", a Text block and a link to "/identification" |
Click on the Link |
The Browser should display the information about the server in JSON. |
The Browser displays the information about the server in JSON. |
Tester |
Yannis Plaschko |
Date |
05.05.2022 |
Testcase Result |
Pass |