The STP (System Test Plan) specifies the test strategy and test planning. It references tests to be performed to verify the accordance of the demanded features given by the SRS (System Requirements Specification) to the implemented features. The document derived from the STP is the STR (System Test Report) where additionally the results are given.
2. Abbreviations
TC – Testcase
TS – Testsuite
GUI – Graphical User Interface
API – Application Programming Interface
3. Product Names and Attributess
The following test objects must be verified:
Product Number
Product Name
Product Description
Build v1.0
Websockets in a LwIP HTTP Server
An implementation of Websockets and an API in LwIP
4. Features
The following requirements must be verified, as long as they are not classified as "not to be tested". This table shows the test coverage between functionality and test suites or test cases.
Req. - ID
Testsuite ID
LF10: Choose the correct network adapter
Checks if lwIP starts correctly after choosing the correct network adapter
LF20: Choose the wrong network adapter
Checks if lwIP fails noisy after choosing a wrong network adapter
LF30: Connect to the Websocket
Checks if the Testclient is able to establish a connection to the LwIP server
LF40: Message the Server
Checks whether the LwIP server echoes incoming messages
LF50: Disconnect from Websocket
Checks if the Testclient is able to destroy a connection to the LwIP server
LF60: Call API root
Checks if calling the Root Endpoint returns a sample website
LF70: Call API /something
Checks if calling an undefined Endpoint, results in an error Message
LF80: Call API /identification directly
Sends Information about the Server
LF90: Call API /identification from root
Sends Information about the Server
5. Test Preparation Strategy
The creation of tests will be based on the different use-cases. Two use-cases can be identified, the WebSocket with its Testclient and the API.
The WebSocket with its Testclient represents the first main application case. The Testclient should be able to visually demonstrate the WebSocket functionality.
The API is the second main application case. It should be able to deliver Information about the device on which it is running. These responses must be checked.
6. Test Execution Strategy
Since it is an extension of an already existing software, a complete test is not necessary.
WebSocket with its Testclient
Application Programming Interface
7. Test Equipment
The following equipment must be available for testing:
A computer with Windows 10
A functioning and correctly configured Installation of LwIP (For tests after TC-001-001 / 002)
8. Test Schedule and Budget
The testing of the application begins as soon as the application is completed. This makes it possible to make the necessary corrections quickly. The WebSocket Support can be tested independently from the API which makes an asynchronous testing possible.
No budget is needed for the tests, as they are all performed by hand.