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The official web pages of TESTAR: https://testar.org/

TESTAR wiki: https://testar.org/wiki/Main_Page

TESTAR PDF HandsOn: https://testar.org/images/development/Hands_on_TESTAR_Training_Manual_2023_May.pdf

TESTAR is an open source tool for automated testing through graphical user interface (GUI). TESTAR is traversal-based, generating tests during execution (also referred as online testing), meaning that test cases do not have to be defined prior to test execution. Instead, each test step is generated based on the actions that are available in that specific time and state of the GUI. The default action selection mechanisms is based on random “monkey” testing, but there are more advanced strategies available, for example based on genetic programming and machine learning.

Testar needs Java Standard Edition (SE) to run and we support the Java SE LTS versions that are currently under Oracle Extended Support (https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/java-se-support-roadmap.html). Other versions might work.