ScalingHealth Integration - TCreopargh/CraftTweakerIntegration GitHub Wiki

Provides access to ScalingHealth's difficulty. ScalingHealth must be installed for this to work.

Importing class

import mods.ctintegration.scalinghealth.DifficultyManager;


Method Description
static void setDifficulty(IPlayer player, double value) Sets difficulty for player
static void addDifficulty(IPlayer player, double value)
static void addDifficulty(IPlayer player, double value, boolean affectWorldDifficulty)
static double getDifficulty(IPlayer player)
static double getWorldDifficulty(IWorld world)
static void setWorldDifficulty(IWorld world, double value)
static void addWorldDifficulty(IWorld world, double value)
static IDate getLastTimePlayed(IPlayer player)
static float getMaxHealth(IPlayer player)
static void setMaxHealth(IPlayer player, float value)
static void addMaxHealth(IPlayer player, float value)
static double getAreaDifficulty(IPlayer player)
static double getAreaDifficulty(IWorld world, IBlockPos pos)

IPlayer Expansion

You can call these methods on an IPlayer instance.

Getter Return Type Setter Setter Parameters Description
scalingHealthMaxHealth double scalingHealthMaxHealth double
scalingHealthMaxHealth double scalingHealthMaxHealth double
areaDifficulty double - -
lastTimePlayed double - -

IWorld Expansion

You can call these methods on an IWorld instance.

Getter Return Type Setter Setter Parameters Description
worldDifficulty double worldDifficulty double

double IWorld#getAreaDifficultyAt(IBlockPos pos)