Baubles Integration - TCreopargh/CraftTweakerIntegration GitHub Wiki

Player Expansion

ZenGetter: baublesInventory

Returns an IBaublesInventory

**Method: isBaubleEquipped(IItemStack bauble)

Returns an int, which is the slot number where the bauble is found. If the bauble is not found, returns -1.



import mods.ctintegration.baubles.IBaubleInventory;
Method Description
boolean isItemValidForSlot(int slot, IItemStack item, IEntityLivingBase living)
boolean isItemValid(int slot, IItemStack item)
int getSlotCount() Baubles adds 7 bauble slots, but some other mods (like Bring Me The Rings) may add more slots, so always call this method if you are working with rings or trinkets.
IItemStack getStackInSlot(int slot)

Creating a bauble item

This allows you to create a bauble item.

Requires ContentTweaker to be installed.

To get a BaubleItemRepresentation, call createBaubleItem(string unlocalizedName) on VanillaFactory.

BaubleItemRepresentation extends ItemRepresentation, so all methods that are available to contenttweaker item builders are also available for it.

ZenProperty Function representation Description
String baubleType - must be one of 'AMULET', 'RING', 'BELT', 'TRINKET', 'HEAD', 'BODY', 'CHARM'. If not set it will be defaulted to TRINKET
BaubleEventHandler.CanEquip canEquip function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer) Determines whether the bauble can be equipped
BaubleEventHandler.CanUnequip canUnequip function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer) Determines whether the bauble can be unequipped
BaubleEventHandler.OnWornTick onWornTick function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer) Called on every tick when wearing the bauble
BaubleEventHandler.OnEquipped onEquipped function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer) Called when the bauble is equipped
BaubleEventHandler.OnUnequipped onUnequipped function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer) Called when the bauble is unequipped
BaubleEventHandler.WillAutoSync willAutoSync function(IItemStack bauble, IEntityLivingBase wearer)
BaubleEventHandler.GetBaubleType getBaubleType function(IItemStack bauble) Note: this takes priority over the baubleType property, if this is set the baubleType will be ignored!


var baubleTest = VanillaFactory.createBaubleItem("test_bauble");
baubleTest.rarity = "rare";
baubleTest.onWornTick = function(bauble, wearer) {
    if(wearer instanceof IPlayer) {
        var player as IPlayer = wearer;
baubleTest.onUnequipped = function(bauble, wearer) {
    if(wearer instanceof IPlayer) {
        var player as IPlayer = wearer;
baubleTest.onEquipped = function(bauble, wearer) {
    if(wearer instanceof IPlayer) {
        var player as IPlayer = wearer;
baubleTest.baubleType = "TRINKET";