Future Plans - TC01/Treemaker GitHub Wiki
Future Plans
Once I update / rewrite the tree pruner tool I should release version 1.1.
Big changes like direct TTree support are tentatively now flagged for Version 2.0 (which wouldn't likely happen for months, at this rate...). But if there are small things that need fixing in the mean time, more 1.x releases may happen.
Currently the issues tracker is a good summary of future ideas.
Crazier Ideas
This is potentially crazy enough that I don't even want to write it down on the issues tracker, but some way to install Treemaker and its tools outside a FWLite context would be nice (some Python setup.py
that converts a CMSSW module into a real Python module?). This would require a way to make the DataFormats.FWLite libraries available though, unfortunately.
Obviously the versioning of modules would be a problem and this might not be practical for running real C++ code, but if all we want to do is do FWLite... it might be possible.