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Draw Shape Functions

These commands are used to draw shapes and sprites to the screen, such as pixels, boxes, circles or the whole screen.


void pictorDrawPixel(const point Pos, const uint16_t Colour);

Draws a single pixel with a specified colour at the specified position.


  1. Pos - Point structure to pixel's intended location.
  2. Colour - Colour for the pixel as a 656-RGB encoded colour.

void pictorDrawLine(point A, point B, const uint16_t Colour);

Draws a straight line with a specified colour between the points A and B.


  1. A - Point structure, the intended location of an endpoint of the line.
  2. B - Point structure, the intended location of the other endpoint.
  3. Colour - Colour for the area as a 656-RGB encoded colour.

void pictorDrawBox(point A, point B, const uint16_t Colour);

Draws a solid box with a specified colour between the points A and B.


  1. A - Point structure the intended location of a corner of the area.
  2. B - Point structure the intended location of the opposite corner of the area.
  3. Colour - Colour for the area as a 656-RGB encoded colour.

void pictorDrawAll(const uint16_t Colour);

Fills the screen with the specified colour.


  1. Colour - Colour for the screen as a 656-RGB encoded colour.

void pictorDrawSpritePartial(const sprite * Sprite, const point Pos, const uint8_t Scale, point X1, point X2);

Draw part of a sprite selected by X1 and X2.


  1. Sprite - Pointer to the sprite array to be written to the screen.
  2. Pos - Point structure to the top-left corner of the sprite's intended location.
  3. Scale - Integer size scale (Note: A scale of 1 produces a pixel to pixel representation of the stored sprite).
  4. X1 - Point structure between the top-left of the total sprite and the top-left corner to be drawn.
  5. X2 - Point structure between the top-left of the total sprite and the bottom-right corner to be drawn.

void pictorDrawSpriteType(const sprite * Sprite, const point Pos, const uint8_t type, const uint8_t Scale);

Draws a Sprite of type Type, top left aligned at Pos scaled by Scale.


  1. Sprite - Pointer to the sprite array to be written to the screen.
  2. Pos - Point structure to the top-left corner of the sprite's intended location.
  3. type - Integer type number, from the available sprite types.
  4. Scale - Integer size scale (Note: A scale of 1 produces a pixel to pixel representation of the stored sprite

Sprite types:

  • 0 - full colour in memory
  • 1 - full colour in PROGMEM
  • 2 - 1bit in memory
  • 3 - 1bit in PROGMEM
  • 4 - Palette and indexed sprite in memory
  • 5 - Indexed sprite in PROGMEM, palette in memory
  • 6 - Indexed sprite in memory, palette in PROGMEM
  • 7 - Palette and indexed sprite in PROGMEM
  • 8 - Palette and packed pixels in memory
  • 9 - Packed pixels in PROGMEM, palette in memory
  • 10 - Packed pixels in memory, palette in PROGMEM
  • 11 - Palette and packed pixels in PROGMEM

void pictorDrawCircle(const point Centre, const uint8_t Radius, const uint16_t Colour);

Draws a circle using Bresenham's algorithm of the specified colour around a defined centre of the specified radius.


  1. Centre - Point structure to the intended location of the centre of the circle.
  2. Radius - The radius of the circle in pixels.
  3. Colour - Colour of the circle as a 656-RGB encoded colour.

Sprite Types

Due to the space limitations of the Atmel ATMega644p, Pictor provides a range ways of storing sprites where colour flexibility can be traded for reduced storage size.

Types 0 & 1:

  • These types of sprite have the colour values of each pixel stored in an array. Type 1 stores the pixel array in program memory.
    • No limit to the number of colours used
    • 2 bytes used per pixel

Types 2 & 3:

  • These types of sprite store 8 pixels' information per byte in the array with each bit representing a boolean choice between a foreground and a background colour stored in the sprite. Type 3 stores the pixel array in program memory.
    • Only 2 colours per sprite
    • 8 pixels are stored per byte

Types 4-7:

  • In these types of sprite the up to 16 colours used by the sprite are stored in a palette array. Each byte in the data array then contains a 4-bit palette colour index and a 4-bit count of how many consecutive pixels are that colour. Types 5 & 7 store the data array in program memory. Types 6 & 7 store the palette array in program memory.
    • Up to 16 colours per sprite
    • Very compact for sprites with large areas of a single colour
    • Will not be supported by pictorDrawSpriteTypePartial()

Types 8-11:

  • In these types of sprite the up to 16 colours used by the sprite are stored in a palette array. Each byte in the data array then contains a pair of 4-bit palette colour indexes for each consecutive pair of pixels. Types 9 & 11 store the data array in program memory. Types 10 & 11 store the palette array in program memory.
    • Up to 16 colours per sprite
    • 2 pixels are stored per byte