Iteration 2 Plan - TAGCH/ku-polls GitHub Wiki


Add the end date feature, improve navigation, and improve security.


  1. The application displays an ending date for voting.
  2. The application allows the visitor to view the results without voting.
  3. The application allows the visitor to go back to the list of polls.


  1. Ending date for voting.
  2. Results link: Visitor to view results without voting.
  3. Back to list of polls: Visitors can go back to the index.
  4. Remove vote again.
  5. More security.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Ending Date for Voting

    • A poll should automatically close after the specified end date.
    • Visitors should not be able to vote after the end date.
    • The poll question and results should still be viewable after the end date.
  2. Results Link

    • Visitors should be able to view the poll results without needing to vote.
    • The results page should be accessible from the poll’s detail page via a "View Results" link.
  3. Back to List of Polls

    • A "Back to Polls" link should be available on the poll detail and results pages.
    • Clicking the "Back to Polls" link should navigate the visitor to the polls index page.
  4. Remove Vote Again

    • Visitors should not be able to change their vote once it is submitted.
    • The option to vote again should be removed or disabled after the visitor's initial vote is recorded.
  5. Improved Security

    • Ensure that only authenticated users can vote in a poll.
    • Implement necessary security measures to prevent unauthorized access and voting, including protection against common web vulnerabilities (e.g., CSRF, XSS).
    • Sensitive data should be stored securely and not exposed to unauthorized users.