Coding Standard guideline - TAGCH/Workflow-Automation GitHub Wiki

This wiki page contain a coding standard for this project.

Branch Naming

  • Example:


  • variable: snake_case(lower_case_with_underscore) or UPPER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORE
  • class name: PascalCase
  • Always use a meaningful name for variable, method and class.
  • In case there is a need for magic number in the code, create a variable for that number with it purposed name.

    # magic number exist
    balance_in_thb = 1000
    balance_in_usd = balance_in_thb * 0.028
    # change it to meaningful variable
    balance_in_thb = 1000
    baht_to_usd_converter = 0.028
    balance_in_usd = balance_in_thb * baht_to_usd_converter

Documentation in Comments

We will follow ISP style, which is similar to sphinx style, but use type hints for parameter instead.

Docstring example

def average(values: Collection[float|int]) -> float:
    """Compute the arithmetic average of a collection of values.

    :param values: non-empty collection of numeric values to average
    :returns: the population average of the values
    :raises ValueError: if collection is empty or contains invalid values

Module and Class example

"""A bank account that performs deposits and withdrawals."""
from re import split

from money import Money

class BankAccount:
    """The first line is a sentence describing bank account.

    Then a longer description of a bank account and its methods.

    def __init__(self, name, min_balance=0):
    """Create a new bank account with an owner and initial balance of zero.

    name (str): name of the account
    min_balance (float):  minimum required balance, default is 0.

Style Checker

1. PyLint : checking code according to PEP8
2. Flake8 : is coding style for Django Framework

JavaScript Naming Conventions

  • Variables and Functions:

Use camelCase for variable and function names.

let workflowStatus = 'active';
const handleUserLogin = () => { ... };

Avoid abbreviations unless they are widely understood (e.g., id, URL).

  • React Components and Pages:

Component and Pages names should follow PascalCase.

const WorkflowPage = () => { ... };
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️