tips - T3rabyte/Examen GitHub Wiki


In order to enhance the player's experience, we implemented a phone feature that plays audio recordings simulating phone calls. Within these calls, a person randomly provides one of six tips related to the current objectives. This addition aims to assist the player by offering valuable guidance whenever the phone is used. By incorporating this feature, we strive to make the game more user-friendly and provide the player with helpful information to progress effectively.


graph TD;
    start((Player presses mouse button)) --> buttonType{What mouse button did the user press?}
    buttonType --> |Left mouse button| check{Does the object the player aims at have a collider and one of the input tags};
    check --> |No| nothing(Nothing happens);
    check --> |Yes| type{What is the tag of the object?};
    type --> |Camera| camera(Sets the camera position to the position of the camera position child of the object);
    type --> |Audio| audio(Retrieves a random audio file from the audio clip list of the object);
    audio --> playAudio(plays the chosen audio from the object chosen);
    buttonType --> |Right mouse button| checkInObject{Is the camera in a objects camera position?};
    checkInObject --> |Yes| returnCam(Returns the player camera to the player model);
    checkInObject --> |no| nothingCam(Nothing happens);

intro phone call

Furthermore, we made the decision to repurpose the quiz system by incorporating it into an introductory phone call feature. This feature serves to explain to the player what they need to do in the game. To achieve this, we merged the individual tip audio files into a single audio file, creating a seamless and coherent narrative. This consolidated audio file is played when the game loads, providing the player with clear instructions and setting the context for the gameplay experience. By utilizing this approach, we enhance the player's understanding of the game mechanics and create a more immersive and informative introduction.