Pipeline - T3rabyte/Examen GitHub Wiki



We came up with the game concepts, styles, and workflows through a collaborative group brainstorming session. We gathered as a team, shared ideas, and discussed various possibilities together. This allowed us to leverage the collective creativity and expertise of our team members, resulting in a concept that reflects the shared vision and input from everyone involved. By involving the entire team in the decision-making process, we aim to create a game that embodies our collective ideas and creativity.


Modeling, Texturing, and Animating.

Our team of artists utilizes various software tools for their work, including:

  • Photoshop: For image editing and texture creation.
  • Maya: For 3D modeling, animation, and rendering.
  • 3ds Max: For 3D modeling, animation, and rendering.
  • Blender: For 3D modeling, animation, and rendering.
  • Substance Painter: For texture painting and material authoring.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro: For video editing and post-production.

When creating models, we adhere to specific polygon counts based on complexity. For small models, we aim for approximately 2500 polygons, while complex or larger models can go up to 5000 polygons.

To ensure high-quality textures, we create them with a resolution of 4069 x 4069 pixels. These textures typically consist of normal maps, base color, height maps, roughness, and metallic maps.

Finally, the deliverables from our artists are provided as .fbx files, which contain the 3D models along with their associated textures and materials.

By utilizing these tools and specifications, our artists strive to create visually appealing and optimized assets for our project.


We have chosen to develop the project in Unity due to our team's extensive experience with this game engine.

Specifically, we are using Unity version 2022.2.6f1 for our development process. This version provides us with the necessary tools, features, and stability to create our project efficiently and effectively.

By leveraging our collective expertise in Unity and utilizing this specific version, we aim to maximize productivity and deliver a high-quality project.

Division of tasks

We have adopted an agile workflow for our project, which promotes flexibility and collaboration among team members. In this approach, we do not assign specific roles such as a dedicated character artist or prop artist. Instead, everyone on the team is encouraged to pick up tasks based on their priority as defined in Trello.

While selecting tasks, we take into consideration each team member's skills and expertise. This ensures that tasks are assigned to individuals who are well-suited and proficient in the respective areas. By leveraging our strengths and distributing the workload based on priority, we aim to maximize productivity and efficiency.

The agile methodology allows us to adapt to changing requirements, iterate quickly, and foster a collaborative environment. By working in this manner, we can effectively meet project objectives while utilizing the skills of each team member to their fullest potential.