Gitflow - T3rabyte/Examen GitHub Wiki

Who has what responsibilities?

We work with several roles within the team:

  • Lead Developer: Miguel
  • Lead Artist: Micha
  • Scrum master: Finley
  • Notulist: Olaf


We push our work to GitHub multiple times a day. We mainly push our work when we are done working on a feature, are testing work and at the end of each day. Commits have professional naming, this way other developers can easily find your commit within your branch.

Pull Request

We work with the Pull Request system in GitHub. A pull request can never be approved by yourself, this has to be done by another developer who has not been involved in this feature.


Every function gets its own feature branch, this applies to every single card in Trello. All these branches are based of the branch called develop and not the main branch. The main branch will only be used to upload the final product that will be released for the client. In this way we create order within the repository and a clean work environment without errors. This also avoids other colleagues working on the same to-do or in the same branch.

These new branches will get a specific new name, this name must be followed at all times.

  • The name of a new branch will be: Feature#[nummer]-[naam feature].
  • The name of a new hotfix will be: Bugfix#[nummer]-[naam bugfix].

The name of your branch will be based of your Userstory in Trello, to make it clear what team is working on it we used coloured labels.



At the end of every sprint we will create a release of our product. This will be done in order to keep an eye out on our work per release. Releases are made in Github. In order to make a release you open the home page of your repository, on this home page there will be an option to create a release of the current project. A developer will never make a release on his own accord. This will always be done with the whole team.