Game Concept - T3rabyte/Examen GitHub Wiki

Game Concept


  • Access denied is an educational puzzle game The primary purpose of the game is to educate players about cybersecurity risks pertaining to data breaches and personal data. This is done through having the player sit in a room and interact with multiple monitors to complete quizzes disguised as office tasks (work environment and emails) where they test their knowledge or get feedback when they answer incorrectly.


  • Embark on an educational journey as an office worker for the municipality of Amsterdam in this immersive video game.
  • Your mission is to complete tasks within a 10-15 minute time period before being allowed to go home.
  • Engage in two quizzes cleverly disguised as emails and a work environment.
  • Explore the room and interact with monitors to answer related questions, discover helpful tips through played voice lines on the phone, and safeguard your personal data by using the laptop to set your social media account on private.
  • The game's main goal is to educate players about cybersecurity risks, data breaches, and the protection of personal information.
  • Prepare yourself to learn about online security, and emerge as a cybersecurity-savvy individual!


  • Educational: The game's primary goal is to educate players about cybersecurity risks, data breaches, and personal data. It aims to provide information and raise awareness about these topics.

  • Puzzle: The tasks in the game involve quizzes disguised as emails and a work environment. Players need to answer questions and solve puzzles related to cybersecurity and data privacy.

  • Point-and-click/Interactive fiction: The gameplay involves clicking on different objects in the room to interact with them and progress through the game. Players click on monitors, phones, and laptops to answer questions, receive tips, and adjust their social media account settings.

  • Serious/Advergame: The game has a serious purpose of educating players about cybersecurity risks and personal data protection. It serves as an advergame, aiming to promote awareness and understanding of these topics.

Key Features

  • Educational Gameplay: The game's primary focus is to educate players about cybersecurity risks, data breaches, and personal data protection. It provides interactive quizzes and tasks that teach players about these topics in an engaging way.

  • Quizzes Disguised as Emails and Work Environment: Players encounter quizzes cleverly presented as emails and a simulated work environment. They need to explore and interact with different elements to answer questions and progress through the game.

  • Interactive Environment: Players can look around a room and interact with various objects, such as monitors, phones, and laptops. Clicking on these objects allows them to start answering questions, receive tips through voice lines, and adjust their social media account settings.

  • Knowledge Testing: The game challenges players to answer questions related to cybersecurity and data privacy through a work environment and emails. By successfully completing these tasks, players can advance and ultimately win the game.

  • Focus on Data Breaches and Personal Data: The game aims to raise awareness about cybersecurity risks and the importance of protecting personal information. It provides insights into the consequences of data breaches and offers practical tips to enhance data privacy.

  • Serious Purpose and Advergame Elements: The game serves as an advergame, combining entertainment with a serious purpose of educating players about cybersecurity. It aims to promote awareness and understanding of online security threats and best practices.

reasons for extra features from redemption sprint

After considering the various features we had brainstormed, we made the decision to exclude the background audio feature. We felt that it wouldn't significantly enhance the gameplay experience, unlike other aspects such as providing player feedback. The features we ultimately added were chosen because we firmly believed they were essential in elevating the game to a level that would satisfy our customer.


  • PC is the platform we chose due to time constraints, making development easier, easier for them to put on their work environment to give the employees access to it, and the fact that we researched and found out most of the employees of Municipality of Amsterdam have experience with at least the basic operation of a PC.