Update notes - T0nyX1ang/PlagChecker4Python GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the PlagChecker4Python wiki! Here you can see the update notes.

Update Notes:

Version 1.0.0

  • Rearrange message displaying styles.
  • Change help message displaying styles.
  • Delete redundant codes in $REJECT_LINE_SCORE.
  • Merging GVdiffcheck.sh with original diffcheck.sh to make it run faster.
  • Deleting step 2 because of its bad performance.
  • Combining 3 steps to ONE step.
  • Using pipes instead of creating new folders to save I/O.
  • Remove log files because of low usage, and it's replaced by the summary lines.
  • Change final screen flushing time.
  • Change README documents.

Version 0.5.6

  • Use functions instead of pipes to show messages. Thus a few codes have been changed.
  • Remove some redundant lines.
  • Notice: GVdiffcheck.sh will be merged into main file diffcheck.sh in next version. According to the speed check, it is faster than the original files by 10%.

Version 0.5.5

  • Change methods to judge total files.
  • Notice: We are developing a method to merge those steps together and make our codes simpler, so here is our testing file: GVdiffcheck.sh, which means Grep Version of diffcheck. Those pipes really hit us a lot.

Version 0.5.4

  • Making help lines in a function to shorten codes.
  • Changing the code to fit in with more parameters. Note that you only need to follow the rules, and latest instructions will override old ones. Here is an example:
./diffcheck.sh -l -q -u -v -u -n -S=96 -s 

is equal to

./diffcheck.sh -u -s
  • Using new condition branchs to detect parameters to shorten codes.

Version 0.5.3

  • Add more detailed statistics descriptions in the summary and somewhat change the format.
  • NOTICE: The final version is coming soon, after those parameters are working fine after simplifying some codes.

Version 0.5.2

  • Add a $FORMATTER to take place in displaying messages instead of using if-condition clauses. (Although this operation will make the process a bit longer.)
  • Recover the styles of displaying messages in Version 0.4.1.

Version 0.5.1

  • Add a feature to let user decide $REJECT_LINE_SCORE. And if this fails, an error message will be shown.
  • Enable colors in parameter checking.
  • Change message displays in quiet mode(-q), showing those error messages now.

Version 0.5.0

  • Make parameters to let user judge checking criterion. You can use -q/u/v to adjust verbosity, -l/n/s to adjust $REJECT_LINE_SCORE, -h to invoke help. Default criterion will be -u -v (if you use it as before). See help to get more infomation.
  • Change some infomation conditions according to the parameter.
  • Add a help inside the program.
  • NOTICE: The increasing code lines are really annoying. We are planning to use another language with the core features in the program in future versions.

Version 0.4.1

  • Fix a typo.
  • Fix a critical bug which causes failure to detect copyer and copyee.

Version 0.4.0

  • Fix a bug in color demonstration.
  • Add a summary feature by comparing last modified time to conduct the copyer and copyee.
  • Remove the sleeping feature when detecting a plagiarism code and substitute it with a screen clear.
  • NOTICE: We will make parameters to let user judge checking criterion.

Version 0.3.3

  • Set bash directory to /bin/bash
  • Change default $REJECT_LINE_SCORE to 70.
  • Enable colors to extinguish different message types. [Info] is green. [Suspected] is yellow. [Detected] and [Error] is red.

Version 0.3.2

  • Fix a bug in detecting and deleting log files.
  • Change methods in detecting suspected plagiarism in Step 3. Use scores to judge.
  • Change a bit of log file contents.
  • NOTICE: There is a potential defect: this code can't detect spaces well, so a file with elaborated construction might go wrong in certain cases. Handle this with care!

Version 0.3.1

  • Add verification for Python file extension(.py)
  • Change algorithm in Step 3 to reduce size.

Version 0.3.0

  • Initial version of Step 3 implementation.
  • Change the calculating algorithm in Step 2.

Version 0.2.0

  • Initial version of Step 2 implementation.

Version 0.1.3

  • Bug fixes in Step 1.

Version 0.1.2

  • Add help notes inside the program to control better.

Version 0.1.1

  • Bug fixes in Step 1.

Version 0.1.0

  • Initial version of Step 1 implementation.