Browser and Router Settings (Asus AC86U, Brave Browser) - T-Birth/Headless.Ghost-Windows10.Tweaks.Collection GitHub Wiki
After testing several Browsers (Safari on OSX, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera etc.) over the last Years. ATM im stuck on Brave Browser on my Mobile Phone/Desktop PC/Macbook.
Gaming with Full Cone vs Symmetric NAT Routers
- Brave Browser gives Rewards for Surfing the Net as BAT Token
- The Brave Reward System (integrated BAT-Wallet) can sync with Uphold. With Uphold u can cashout the BAT-Token to real Money.
- Important: At end of 2019 (06.11.2019) the Desktop and Mobile Brave Browser BAT-Wallet are not Synced. You earn your Tokens on different Wallets.
- Can use the Plugins from the Chrome Webstore
- Has integrated Adblock/Tracking Block/Script Block/Automatic HTTPS Upgrade/Cookie Blocking/Device Fingerprint Block
- Download Brave Browser Source
- Download Plugins -> ClearURLs, Cookie AutoDelete, Dashlane, h264ify, I don't care about cookies, Infinity Tab, MyJDownloader Browser Erweiterung, Social Fixer for Facebook, Speed-Up Browsing
- Brave Browser Configuration Screenshot's ->
Router: Asus RT-AC86U
Firmware: Asuswrt-Merlin 384.13 (31-July-2019) Custom Firmware Source
Router Configuration Screenshot's ->
Note: Set the "Unsplitted" Wifi Settings first and save the Changes. After the Wifi is working just activate the Smart Connect feature.
Upgrade some Stuff via JFFS Scripts and Configs:
Grab an USB Stick (at least USB 3.0) and Format it with Ext4 in Windows via AOMEI Partition Assistant Source
Connect it to the USB 3.0 Interface of the Router and Reboot the Router
Login to the Router -> Administration -> System and tick Format JFFS partition at next boot -> YES (dont forget to confirm at the bottom)
Reboot the Router
Connect to the Router via SSH or Terminal/Putty -> ssh LOGINNAME@IPOFTHEROUTER (Login using the Router Credentials = mostly Admin and the Router IP)
Install amtm SNBForum Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu or check out amtm step-by-step install guide - L&LD
After Installation: type "amtm" and if not everything shows up type "i"
Decide now what u want:
At the moment im just using: Entware packages, Disk check script, Swap file (256MB), FreshJR Adaptive QOS
This tools work like a charm in blocking Ads and other Stuff too, if u have 1-5 Clients in the Network, everything is fine but i dont recommend it with more Clients. In the moment, im not using Diversion/Skynet.
I can recommend installing FreshJR Adaptive QOS via SSH/Terminal on the Router.
Please use my Router Screenshots above to check out the Settings or please use the recommendation from FreshJR and try his QOS traffic priority list.
- VoIP
- Gaming
- Others
- Web Surfing
- Video and Audio Streaming
- File Transfers
Keep in mind that "Unidentified traffic" will flow into "Others" with this script.