Getting Started Guide - SystematicTesting/QDOS GitHub Wiki
To quickly start using QDOS framework or to see it working, follow the below steps :
- Create your account with QDOS Console.
- Add Site - after login in QDOS Console.
- Add Version of Test Catalog and Test Suites in it.
- Install latest JAVA 1.8 in your local machine.
- Get QDOS.jar file.
- Execute Version of Test Catalog via QDOS.jar
- Verify Test Execution Report in QDOS Console.
Create an account on QDOS Console via registering yourself on website.
- Open the URL :
- Click "Register" Button
- Fill out all the mandatory params.
- Click "Register" Button again.
- Check for account confirmation email in your email box and click confirm the account.
- Once confirmed, you can login with registered credentials in QDOS Console.
In order to perform automation testing, you must create a "Site" in QDOS Console, which will contain all of your "Test Catalogs" tracked in version format. So, to create a "Site" in QDOS Console, follow below steps:
Login to QDOS Console with your registered console.
Click on the "Sites" Menu item from Side Bar.
Click "Add Site" button from Site - Top menu bar.
Fill out mandatory parameters as shown below:
Site Name : This field should contain your site name which will be referred in future to run test automation against this site name. Example :
Description : Small Description of website like "Production Site" or "Staging Site" etc.
Share Status :
- Public : If public option is selected, then your created site and its test suites will be visible to everyone who are registered to QDOS Console (irrespective to your company). So, please be careful before making your site public. It is recommended to NOT TO USE THIS STATUS.
- Company : If company option is selected, then your created site and its test suites will only be visible to you and the members who share the same company name as of yours in your account creation process.
- Private : If private option is selected, then your created site and its test suites will only be visible to you.
Submit the form to create a site.
Version of Test Catalog in a site is represented with a character prefix "C" followed by a number like C1, C2 etc. A version of "Test Catalog" can contain multiple number of test suites which intern can have multiple number of test cases which will be executed by the QDOS Framework.
Below are the steps to "Add Version" of "Test Catalog" in a Site:
- Click "Sites" menu item in Side Bar.
- If your site status is set to "Company" or "Public" then your created site should be visible to you. If your site status is set to "Private" then your created site will be visible if you select - "My Sites" menu option from Site - Top Menu Bar.
- Once your Site is visible to you, click the button "Add Version" to add Test Catalog inside your created site.
- Now, click "Upload Suites from Local Drive" to upload a Test Suite in your Test Catalog from your local machine. Test Suites uploaded from here must be in an Excel Sheet format. For example : "Sample Test Suite" Excel Sheet can be downloaded by clicking the link "Sample TestSuite" from Top Menu Bar of QDOS Console.
- Upload the "SampleTestSuite.xlsx" file and click "Upload" button.
- Once uploaded successfully without any errors, then close the light box.
- You will notice now, that your uploaded Test Suite is visible and you will receive option to "Commit" the "Test Catalog" Version.
- If you finished uploading your "Test Suites" then click the "Commit Version" button and it will commit your test catalog version and will update the version number in your site like "C1".
- In order to verify, that you have successfully created "Test Catalog" in your site, click the "Site" menu item from Side Bar menu and you will notice that your site will have version allocated to it like "C1". By clicking on version you can see the details of Test Catalog and its test suites including all of the test cases inside it.
To install Java 8 runtime environment or Java 8 SDK in your local system, follow the standard steps listed on Oracle Website.
There are two ways to get the QDOS.jar file which will ultimately execute test cases defined in the "Test Catalog" Version of Site.
Download the QDOS.jar file from the QDOS Console from Top Menu Bar which has menu item "Download QDOS".
Checkout the source code from this github repository and follow below steps:
- Install Java 8 SDK in your local system.
- Install Maven 3.x in your local system.
- Checkout codebase from Github Repository
- Open terminal or command prompt.
- Go to project directory which contains pom.xml file and fire command "mvn clean install".
- Once build is success, simply go to the target directory of QDOS client like "/st-qdos-client/target", you will notice jar file with dependencies has been created for you. For example : st-qdos-client--jar-with-dependencies.jar
- Run command "java -jar st-qdos-client--jar-with-dependencies.jar" in your terminal or command prompt, QDOS will start working.
To see test automation in action like executing test cases from "Test Catalog" version of a "Site" follow below mentioned steps:
Open terminal or command prompt on your local system.
Go to folder where QDOS.jar file has been stored.
Run QDOS.jar file with command "java -jar QDOS.jar". Please remember - filename of jar file and its location path must not contain any special characters including space.
After running QDOS.jar file on terminal, system will open a window which will ask for a form to be filled.
Fill the form fields as described below :
- Email : Email address used to register your account on QDOS Console.
- API Key : API Key of the account can be fetched from QDOS Console. Simple login in QDOS Console and go to your account "Settings" menu, you will notice a sub-menu item called as "API Key". Copy the API Key from there and paste it in QDOS.jar form.
- Proxy for Browser (server:port) : This field is an optional field and only required if your system needs proxy server details to access internet. For example, sometimes your office machine is in closed network which needs proxy server details including its port number to access internet. So to make sure Selenium Web Driver browser can access internet, its mandatory to provide proxy server details.
- Proxy for Report Collector (server:port) : This field is an optional field and only required if your system needs proxy server details to access internet. For example, sometimes your office machine is in closed network which needs proxy server details including its port number to access internet. So to make sure QDOS Jar can communicate with QDOS Console App, its mandatory to provide proxy server details.
- Report Collector Server URL : QDOS Console URL must be the value of this field which is If your company has the QDOS Console in premise installation, then it has to be the value of your in house hosted QDOS Console App.
- Tracer Window : By default this button is set to "ON" and displays the live logs of Selenium Web Driver Testing with in QDOS Window. But it can be turned "OFF".
- Operating System : Please select your operating system on which you are running QDOS.jar.
- Browser : Please select the browser in which you want to run your automation test suite via QDOS.jar.
- Site Name : Enter the "Site Name" which you created in QDOS Console under STEP - 2.
- Version Number : Enter the "Version" of "Site Name" which you created in QDOS Console under STEP - 3.
- Suite Name : This is an optional field. If left blank, all the test suites will be executed which are stored in Site Version. If you want to run specific Test Suite, then add the test suite name as value here.
- Capture Screenshot : Please select the relevant check boxes which will take screenshot on each steps of test execution and uploads them in QDOS Console.
Save the configuration by clicking "SAVE" Button for future reference.
Click "RUN" button to execute the Test Suites stored inside Site Name. You will notice configured browser is in action and running your test cases and Tracer Window will be displaying live logs on your system.
To test execution report, you need to open QDOS Console. QDOS Console is capable of displaying live test results in it. Here are the steps to view Test Execution Report :
- Login to QDOS Console with your registered console.
- Click on the "Reports" Menu item from Side Bar.
- Select your Site.
- Select the Version you want to view and follow the on screen options to view the test results including screenshots.