Editing Quests - Synthlight/Volcanoids-Modding-Wiki GitHub Wiki
Altering quests means altering QuestManager.m_quests
which is attached to about 1600 game objects and only two of them actually load the quests.
The code below will filter & set things as needed, just edit the CreateNewQuestArray
Change the existing quests (the oldQuests
parameter) as you wish and return the new altered quest array.
private static Quest[] alteredQuests;
private static FieldInfo mQuestsField;
private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode) {
if (scene.name != "Island") return;
SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;
mQuestsField = typeof(QuestManager).GetField("m_quests", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var questManagers = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll<QuestManager>();
if (questManagers != null) {
foreach (var questManager in questManagers) {
// If we got here quests are enabled.
private void ProcessQuestManager(QuestManager questManager) {
var quests = (Quest[]) mQuestsField.GetValue(questManager);
if (quests?.Length > 0) {
if (alteredQuests != null) {
// We've already setup the quests, just overwrite the list.
mQuestsField.SetValue(questManager, alteredQuests);
// New quests haven't been setup yet, do so and cache the result.
alteredQuests = CreateNewQuestArray(quests);
mQuestsField.SetValue(questManager, alteredQuests);
// NOTE: You can make this void and just set the array, It works in either way, Returning however is useful in some cases.
private Quest[] CreateNewQuestArray(Quest[] oldQuests) {
// TODO: Return your altered quest array here.
throw new NotImplementedException();