Home - Synthlight/Volcanoids-Modding-Wiki GitHub Wiki

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Getting Started

Steam Modding Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2227872311

Making and adding content with Unity: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2367464118

Designing and Modeling Content for Mods: https://github.com/Synthlight/Volcanoids-Modding-Wiki/wiki/Artistic-Design-in-Modding

How to create a game ready weapon model: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ-Opn9ETC4

Installing Mods:

  • Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%Low\Volcanoid\Volcanoids.
  • Create & open a Mods folder at this location.
    • Your path should now end in \Volcanoid\Volcanoids\Mods.
  • Extract your mod so the dlls are in sub-directories in the Mods folder.
    • e.g. Mods\0Harmony\0Harmony.dll
    • Load order is the folder names sorted alphabetically (Asc).
  • Run the game.