Technical details - Synook/funcpy GitHub Wiki

As mentioned before, the compilation basically involves translating the language into Python lambdas. For example, consider the following code.

include standard;
frepeat f v -> (: v (frepeat f (f v)));
main -> (take 3 (frepeat (+ 1) 0));

This defines a simple function, frepeat, which generates an infinitely long list by recursively applying f to the previous element, starting with v. For example, (take 3 (frepeat (+ 1) 0)) will return [0,1,2] (take n simply returns the first n elements of the passed list).

The above line will be compiled by funcpy into the following Python code (newlines added for clarity):

from standard import * # include standard;
fpy_frepeat = lambda: lambda fpy_f: lambda: lambda fpy_v: lambda: (
)() # frepeat f v -> (: v (frepeat f (f v)));
fpy_main = (
) # main -> (take 3 (frepeat (+ 1) 0));
if __name__ == '__main__': fpy_main() # (evaluates main)

As is evident, frepeat simply becomes a sequence of lambda functions representing the arguments to the function. Internally, identifiers are prepended with fpy_, while symbols are converted into their ASCII codes and prepended with sym_. Also note that literals are wrapped in the lit function, making them constant functions of their own (because functional).

Why so many lambdas?

One thing that may seem odd about the translation is the amount of lambdas generated: five in total for two actual arguments in the definition of fpy_frepeat.

fpy_frepeat = lambda: lambda fpy_f: lambda: lambda fpy_v: lambda: ...

There is a good reason for this, however. Consider how we might represent this function if writing directly in Python. An immediately obvious approach may be to define it as a single function, with two arguments (assume here cons is equivalent to the : function):

frepeat = lambda f, v: cons(v, frepeat(f, f(v)))
frepeat(lambda a: a + 1, 0)

There are a few problems with this. Most obvious is that this function is not curried, and does not support partial application. This can be easily fixed:

frepeat = lambda f: lambda v: cons(v)(frepeat(f)(f(v)))
frepeat(lambda a: a + 1)(0)

The second problem, however, is more insidious. frepeat in theory generates an infinitely long list. This obviously is not a decidable result, however if we pass it to another function that truncates or otherwise only inspects a finite number of elements from the list, then it would still be valid. As defined above, however, this is not going to happen: as soon as both arguments are passed to the function it will immediately try to recurse infinitely, resulting in a stack overflow.

Some method, therefore, of continuing to defer evaluation of the function itself is necessary. This would allow for frepeat to reference itself, without evaluating itself immediately. A simple way to achieve this would be to insert an additional lambda at the end, as such:

frepeat = lambda f: lambda v: lambda: (cons(v)(frepeat(f)(f(v)))()
frepeat(lambda a: lambda: a + 1)(0)()

It then becomes the responsibility of the function calling frepeat to make the final function call and evaluate the expression. If the function does not need further elements in the list, then it can stop evaluation without recursing infinitely. In fact, frepeat(lambda a: a + 1)(0) would not result in any actual evaluation, since it returns a function in itself. Only when that is called finally will the result be computed:

cons = lambda x: lambda xs: lambda: (x, xs)
head = lambda xs: lambda: xs()[0]()
head(frepeat(lambda a: lambda: a + 1)(0))() # will result in the evaluation of v, but not even f(v)

This causes another problem, however: if we want to partially apply a function, then the lambda: at the end becomes an issue. Consider what happens if we define another function, increaseFrom, to be frepeat(lambda a). In this case we should be able to partially apply it like below, since frepeat(f) is a function in itself. However, since the compiler doesn't know the arity (number of arguments) for frepeat, it will automatically put () at the end so the function is evaluated.

f = lambda a: lambda: a + 1
increaseFrom = lambda: frepeat(f)()

This would be incorrect! frepeat(f) is supposed to take one argument, and so this will cause a runtime error.

One possible way to get around this would be to insert an extra lambda after every argument, to get for example:

frepeat = lambda f: lambda: lambda v: lambda: (cons(v)()(frepeat(f)()(f(v))))()

This would solve the problem described earlier, since we can freely place () after every argument given when frepeat is called.

What if we, however, now wanted to simply alias frepeat? We would get the line below, because we have no way of telling how many arguments frepeat takes: maybe it actually doesn't have any, in which case the () would be required as we saw earlier.

actually_frepeat = lambda: frepeat()

This would still be incorrect in the frepeat case, because the first lambda for the function still takes one argument. Therefore, a lambda is also needed before the first actual argument:

frepeat = lambda: lambda f: lambda: lambda v: lambda: (cons()(v)()( frepeat()(f)()(f()(v))))()

Then, when we want to call frepeat, we can simply place () before each argument, and the result even after applying all arguments, will still be a function in itself. Responsibility for calling the final (), then, is devolved to the body of the calling function (e.g. cons), just like before.

naturalNumbers = lambda: frepeat()(lambda: lambda a: lambda: a + 1)()(0)() # good
increaseFrom = lambda: frepeat()(lambda: lambda a: lambda: a + 1)() # also good
actually_frepeat = lambda: frepeat() # also good (the lambda re-applies the arity-0 function)
actually_frepeat1 = frepeat # also good (this optimisation is made by the compiler for 0-arity aliases)
main = head()(frepeat()(lambda: lambda a: lambda: a + 1)()(0))()