FAQ SynoCliMisc - SynoCommunity/spksrc GitHub Wiki

SynoCommunity CLI Misc. package specific FAQ

The synocli-misc package provides some miscellaneous tools to advanced Linux users:


  • bc - GNU bc is an arbitrary precision numeric processing language. [GPLv3]

  • expect
    Expect is a tool for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, etc. Expect is also useful for testing these same applications. [Public Domain]

  • uhubctl - USB hub per-port power control. [GPLv2]

From moreutils

  • errno - number of last error. [GPLv2]

  • ifdata - get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output. [GPLv2]

  • ifne - Run command if the standard input is not empty. [GPLv2]

  • isutf8 - check whether files are valid UTF-8. [GPLv2]

  • lckdo - run a program with a lock held. [GPLv2]

  • mispipe - pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first. [GPLv2]

  • parallel - run programs in parallel. [GPLv2]

  • pee - tee standard input to pipes. [GPLv2]

  • sponge - soak up standard input and write to a file. [GPLv2]

  • cal - displays a calendar. [GPLv2]

  • col - filter reverse line feeds from input. [GPLv2]

  • colcrt - filter nroff output for CRT previewing. [GPLv2]

  • colrm - remove columns from a file. [GPLv2]

  • column - columnate lists. [GPLv2]

  • hardlink - Consolidate duplicate files via hardlinks. [GPLv2]

  • hexdump - ascii, decimal, hexadecimal, octal dump. [GPLv2]

  • lsblk - list block devices. [GPLv2]

  • lscpu - display information about the CPU architecture. [GPLv2]

  • lsipc - show information on IPC facilities currently employed in the system. [GPLv2]

  • lsirq - utility to display kernel interrupt information. [GPLv2]

  • rev - reverse lines of a file or files. [GPLv2]

  • wall - send a message to everybody's terminal. [GPLv2]

  • whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command. [GPLv2]

  • zramctl - set up and control zram devices. [GPLv2]

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