Airport creation - SwissAirfields/SwissAirfieldsFS2020 GitHub Wiki

1. Create an Asset Group

For normal one airport one package editing refer to this tutorial.

In the context of the swiss airfields package I prefer to just edit the PackageDefinitions/sc-airport-swiss-airfields.xml. Duplicate an existing asset group block and adjust its name and path (I started this habit at a time when the simulator regularly used to crash when adding an asset group).

Also create the respective subfolder in the PackageSources-folder.

Then open the project in developer mode. And load the asset group into the editor.

2. Create a perimeter polygon

This polygon encloses the airfield. Not sure what the exact purpose is of this, but it seems to be common practice.

  • Choose object type "polygon" in the objects window, then click on "Add".
  • Create the corners of the polygon by Ctrl-clicking on the ground.
  • Finish the polygon by double-clicking on the ground.
  • Corners can be moved around later
  • Corners can be added or removed using the context menu of the polygon on the ground (with the polygon selected)
  • In the properties window adjust the settings of the polygon:
    • Exclude buildings - for an airport polygon this is usually "exclude all"
    • Vegetation - if there are trees in the airport area they can be removed by setting vegetation scale and density to 0.
    • Select "airport area" and choose a size
  • Once the polygon is done it should be locked in position using its context menu (this polygon often gets accidentally selected)
  • Save the polygon using the "save scenery" button. The polygons go into a separate file (actually a set of files with different extensions) from the rest of the scenery. I call the file -perimeter - even though other polygons go into it as well.

3. Create an airport object

An airport object:

  • has a position but is not visible
  • is a container for all objects of the airport (except polygons and scenery objects)
  • contains the metadata of the airport
  • is the center of the "object test radius" - the circle where airport objects can be placed


  • choose "Airport" as the object type in the objects window.
  • click the "add" button
  • place the airport object somewhere suitable (center of the main runway or reference coordinates of the AD-Info).
  • Properties:
    • fill out all the info (ICAO code, region etc.)
    • under "toDelete" tick everything that this scenery is going to replace (it's similar to the "exclude" of the perimeter-polygon). Be aware that exclude plus toDelete still don't remove everything. Windsocks for instance survive both of these and need to be removed using an "ExclusionRectangle"-object.
    • objectTestRadius can be reduced for small airfields but I'm not sure whether there's any advantage (performance optimization?)
    • magnetic variance from AD-info

When done click "save scenery" in scenery editor window. Name it . Subsequently click "save scenery" often (after adding or changing things).

4. Add and position runway(s)

Add a runway object - choosing the smaller of the two heading numbers unless there is something like a "primary".

A runway has many properties to fill in ("primary" is the direction given by the chosen runway number, "secondary" the opposite direction):

  • Configuration
    • Heading: Orient and position runway roughly at this stage
    • length and width from AD-info
    • pattern altitude form VAC (convert to meters)
    • designator (left/right/center) if there are several runways with the same heading
    • adjust pattern side if necessary and possible take-off or landing restrictions *Materials
    • Add a material by drag and drop from the material editor. Even if it is set transparent - it will possibly affect rolling behaviour and sounds later.
  • Markings
    • configure as needed
    • also configure settings under "pavements" (displaced thresholds etc.)
    • the markings are not very flexible. There are things that might have to be drawn on manually later if the standard markings look wrong.
  • Terraforming
    • the points below describe the "old way". For a method that's probably better in most cases go here (Point 3)
    • if you choose to stick with profiles go on with the points below
      • click "add profile"
      • if the AD-info doesn't contain information about the profile get the data from a GIS browser (maps of switzerland can plot a profile of a drawn line)
      • In the profile editor window work primarily in the "current point settings" section.
        • add the desired number of points using the "add new point" button (clicking in the curve preview to place them)
        • use the "current point index" spinner to cycle through the points
        • make a pass through the points (from high to low!) to set their horizontal positions - ignore the funky things that are happening
        • make another pass (any direction) to set the elevation data (use "auto adapt canvas" if you're interested in the curve)
      • play with the falloff distance. Remember that additional terraforming can be done using more rectangles or polygons later - but it's not going to be fun.
  • Vasi
    • If applicable enable the correct variant of PAPI or VASI and place them roughly. Fine placing will only be done once the runway is fine placed (the vasis move along).
    • set the pitch according to the AD-info
    • try to set the spacing. So far this seems to only work for VASIs, not PAPIs
  • Runway start
    • these are the runway spawn points. Place and orient them as needed. Might have to be redone after fine placing of runway.


  • Place four small scenery objects (for instance "Taxi_Light_02") for the corners of the runway. Then position them by transferring coordinates from Google maps or a GIS browser.
  • Nudge the runway onto place by carefully moving it and adjusting its heading numerically
  • The width might have to be increased by half a meter or so as the runway sides have a fixed falloff (blur) to the inside.
  • Place and orient the runway starts (spawn points)
  • Fine place the VASI/PAPI
  • Lock the runway in position

5. Terraforming (should be largely obsolete with better meshes - CGL DEM or after World Update)

Especially for airfields that are in hilly terrain:

  • Set the terraforming falloff of the runway to a small number (10) to see how it differs from the surrounding terrain.
  • Use rectangle and polygon objects for additional terraforming. Rectangles can have a height profile like the runway.
  • In order to get a taxiway to match the runway level a Rectangle with same length and same profile as the runway could be placed next to it or under it. The profile might have to be fudged a bit manually, because oddly the two identical profiles rarely match.
  • polygons can only create a plateau.
  • use options-->Ground-->altitude isoline to be able to see the bumps better.
  • Generally don't waste too much time on it. One day we should have the ability to import elevation data.
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