Airfield list - SwissAirfields/SwissAirfieldsFS2020 GitHub Wiki

Airfield list is split into the 2 FIR regions covering entire Switzerland. Heliport list covers entire Switzerland.

List compiled from "Radio Facility Index" (COM 2-APP 1) in Skyguide VFR Manual


AP = Available for public use

AD = Private Airfield

FIR Switzerland Zurich Area Airfields

ICAO Name Type of Airfield Category Project Status SU15 Compatible? Status in FS2020
LSMA Alpnach Military AD Not started N/A x
LSPM Ambri Regional AD 0.17 Yes Runways, taxiways, parking (wrong place), windsock, COM incorrect
LSPA Amlikon Glider AD 0.17 Yes Runway only (not drawn)
LSZE Bad Ragaz Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runway, Street as a taxiway?, Parking partly wrong, no windsock, COM incorrect
LFSB Basel-Mulhouse National AP Not started N/A x
LSZB Bern-Belp Regional AP Not started N/A ???
LSZP Biel-Kappelen Regional AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSZF Birrfeld Regional AP 0.16 N/A x
LSZQ Bressaucourt Regional AP 0.16 TBA x
LSZC Buochs Military AP Not started N/A x
LSZU Buttwil Regional AD Not started N/A Runways only (not drawn)
LSZJ Courtelary Glider AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSPD Dittingen Glider AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSMD Dübendorf Military AD Not started N/A Runways, taxiways, parking (wrong place), windsock, COM incorrect
LSME Emmen Military AD Not started N/A x
LSZI Fricktal-Schupfart Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runways only (not drawn)
LSZG Grenchen Regional AP Not started N/A Runways, taxiways, parking, windsocks, custom objects!
LSZN Hausen am Albis Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runway, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place), No COM
LSPG Kägiswil Regional AD 0.4? TBA -
LSPL Langenthal Regional AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place), No COM
LSZL Locarno Regional/Mil. AP Not started N/A Runways, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place)
LSML Lodrino Military AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (wrong place), Windsock (wrong place), COM incorrect, unsuitable high-rise buildings shown
LSZT Lommis Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runway only (not drawn)
LSZA Lugano-Agno Regional AP Not planned N/A Added to MSFS in Sim Update VII
LSZO Luzern-Beromünster Regional AD Not planned N/A Added to MSFS in Sim Update VII
LSMM Meiringen Military AD Not started N/A x
LSZM Mollis Regional AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (wrong place), no windsock, COM?
LSPU Münster Regional AD Not started N/A -
LSPO Olten Glider AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSGR Reichenbach Regional AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), no windsock, Snow Textures
LSZS Samedan Regional AP Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place)
LSZX Schänis Glider AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking, no windsock
LSPF Schaffhausen Glider AD 0.18 N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSZV Sitterdorf Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runway only (not drawn)
LSZR St.Gallen-Altenrhein Regional AD Not planned N/A Added to MSFS in World Update VI: Germany/Austria/Switzerland
LSZK Speck-Fehraltorf Regional AD 0.6? TBA Runway (hard surface), Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place)
LSZW Thun Regional AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSPN Triengen Regional AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking, no windsock
LSPV Wangen-Lachen Regional AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways (not complete), Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place)
LSPH Winterthur Regional AD 0.16 TBA Runway only (not drawn)
LSZH Zürich-Kloten National AP Not planned N/A Added to MSFS in Sim Update VII

FIR Switzerland Geneva Area Airfields

ICAO Name Type of Airfield Category Project Status SU13 Compatible? Status in FS2020
LSTB Bellechasse Glider AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSGB Bex Regional AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSGE Ecuvillens Regional AP 0.16 TBA x
LSGG Geneva Cointrin National AP Not started N/A x
LSGT Gruyeres Glider AD 0.16 TBA Runway only (not drawn)
LSGP La Cote Airfield AD In Progress Yes Runway only (not drawn)
LSGL Lausanne-La Blecherette Airfield AP Not started N/A Runway (hard surface), Taxiways, Parking (not complete), Windsock (wrong place)
LSGC Les Eplatures Regional AP 0.16 TBA x
LSTR Montricher Glider AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSTO Motiers Regional AD Not started N/A Runway only (not drawn)
LSGN Neuchatel Airfield AD Not started N/A Runways, Taxiways, Parking (wrong place), Windsock (wrong place),
LSMP Payerne Military AP Not started N/A x
LSTA Raron Airfield AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking (not complete), no windsock, Snow Textures
LSGK Saanen Airfield AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways (not complete), Parking (wrong place), no windsock
LSGS Sion Airfield AP Not started N/A ????
LSTS St.Stephan Airfield AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiways, Parking, no windsock
LSGY Yverdon-Les-Bains Airfield AD 0.16 TBA Runway, Taxiways, Parking, Windsock (wrong place)
LSTZ Zweisimmen Airfield AD Not started N/A Runway, Taxiway (not complete), Parking, no windsock

FIR Switzerland Heliports

HEL AD = Heliport (private use)

ICAO Name Type of Airfield Category Project Status Status in FS2024
LSXB Balzers Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSEC Collombey-Muraz Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXE Erstfeld Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSEG Gampel Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures, Trees obstructing helipad
LSXO Gossau Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present on top of a building (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXG Gsteigwiler Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXN Haltikon Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn)
LSXH Holziken Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures, Trees obstructing helipads
LSXI Interlaken Heliport HEL AD Not started N/A
LSXL Lauterbrunnen Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSEY Leysin Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures, Trees obstructing helipads
LSXP Pfaffnau Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn)
LSER Raron Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXV San Vittore Heliport HEL AD Not started N/A
LSXC Schattenhalb Heliport HEL AD Not started N/A
LSXS Schindellegi Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipad present on top of a building (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXA Tavanasa Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSXT Trogen Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn)
LSXU Untervaz Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), Snow Textures
LSEZ Zermatt Heliport HEL AD Not started Stock buildings, Helipads present (not drawn), platform missing, Snow Textures

Disused, former, temporary

ICAO Name Status in FS2024
LSZD Ascona -
LSPK Hasenstrick -
LSMI Interlaken -
Kestenholz -
LSZY Porrentruy x
San Vittore Available as Roveredo LSRO
LSMJ Turtmann -
LSXW Würenlingen -