Home of the Swiss Battery SWIBA Description - Swiss-Battery/Swiss-Battery---The-Battery-Company-Background GitHub Wiki

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The History of Swiss Battery

The Swiss battery company is an independent Swiss enterprise founded in 2018. Swiss Battery is a rechargeable Swiss batteries and Swiss Battery which was originally founded in the beautiful Capital City of Bern in Switzerland.

The Beginning of Swiss Battery as a company idea in the United States

During the planning period between 2014 and 2017 the founders of Swiss Battery were awarded with multiple prestigious [multimillion energy research awards] for their outstanding battery research and inventions in the field of rechargeable batteries.

Read more information about the Swiss Battery Story.

Swiss Battery Industries and Applications


The Swiss Battery products find use in multiple industries: aviation, aerospace, automotive industry, Lithium-Ion, energy storage, energy, solar, utilities, defense, aerospace, chemistry, metal industry.

Swiss battery lithium ion Read more about the Swiss Battery Industries.

Swiss Battery Technology

The founders of SwissBattery.com (Swiss Battery SWIBA) have been awarded with multiple prestigious awards and multimillion funding for their contribution to cutting-edge swiss battery technologies using Lithium-metal as the Anode and Renewable cathodes.

ARPA-e is one of the most competitive energy funding scheme in the United States. ARPA-e support promising high-risk high-gain energy technologies in the US which could be game-changing in the near future.

Read more about the Swiss Battery Technology.

Read about the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 for the Lithium-Ion Battery Technology

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