Lab7 - SwathiJasthi/ASE-Assignments GitHub Wiki

Name - Swathi Jasthi ; Class ID - 35 ; Team Number - 20

Complete the following tasks with Ionic Framework: 1.Create a basic login with 2 buttons “Login” and “Register”On clicking “Login” button, user should be navigated to “Home” page On clicking “Register” button, user should be navigated to “Registration” page 2.Home page should have a Mashup using at least Two Web Services (refer to the web services from the following link). One of them should be from the list of knowledge services and they should be different from the two services you used in your Lab 3 assignment. 3.Also create a mobile application related to your project. Application should have good UI/UX. Design a good UI using a wireframe tool. 4.Write at least 3 unit test cases related to your application.


Step1: Login and Register Page:

After Succesful Login:

Enter the movie the name:

Displaying the results of movie(used uClassify API & OMDB API for collecting movie data):

Plot Analysis:

Deploying in mobile:
