Integration Resources - Swasth-Digital-Health-Foundation/hcx-platform GitHub Wiki



HCX Integration SDK

The HCX Integration SDK is helpful to generate outgoing request to HCX and process incoming request from HCX. It is built using JAVA Programming Language. The source code is available at Swasth GitHub Repository.

Postman Collection

Using Postman Client Tool, we created the collection for the Provider and Payer. Please use the below links to download and import them onto your machine.

  1. Postman collection link

Sample FHIR Object - WIP

The HCX Domain specifications group is working on creating the FHIR object. The sample FHIR objects are committed and available at GitHub.

Seeking help

We defined the error codes for all the possible scenarios where there is a chance to have an error condition. The Protocol API(s) will return one of the error codes in case of the request failure. Please use the below details to understand them.

  1. Key Protocol Errors and their meaning

    • The document linked with this section has the table stating the range of error codes and their meanings. Please use it to understand the API response and make the required changes to fix the issue.
  2. Reporting Issues

    • There is a chance that some of the details of the issue are not explained in our documentation or you might find an issue which is important for the community to understand and fix. So, please use GitHub Issues on this repository to report the integration issues.