Step6: Deploy: Copy app to Remote Server - SwagatoMondal/Online-Shopping GitHub Wiki
There are multiple ways to copy your Django Web application to the remote server :
- GitHub clone
- File copy
- Via CLI
This document will cover on how we can achieve this using CLI commands. So let's get back to your local machine and do the following.
Re-activate the virtual environment (which you should have done while creating the project).
source /path-to-app/bin/activate
To display all your dependencies, run the following command (PIP must be installed) -
pip freeze
To copy all the dependencies -
pip freeze > requirements.txt
NOTE : Make sure to copy the file into your project if not done.
scp -r <django-project root> username@<IP Address>:~/
NOTE : This copies the Django project from your local to the specified path of remote, which is Home for the given user.
Run ls
command on the folder you copied to verify the previous command.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv <project-location>/venv
source <project-location>/venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To test your app on local, some changes are required in your
// Other details
// Add the next line
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
STATIC_URL = '/static/'
Save and exit the file.
python collectstatic
You can run ls
command to check for static
To run server, run the following command (remember we allowed only PORT 8000) -
python runserver
To verify go to your browser and open <remote IP-address>:8000
NOTE : Remain in virtual environment to continue the process.
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
NOTE : Remain in virtual environment to continue the process.
// Move to directory
cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/
// Copy one of the config file into a new file (first arg is a default config file, second arg is a new file)
sudo cp 000-default.conf django_project.conf
// Edit the configuration file now
sudo nano django_project.conf
In the edit window, add the following rules just before the end of VirtualHost
tag as follows -
Alias /static /home/username/project_location/static
<Directory /home/username/project_location/static>
Required all granted
// Similarly for any other directories
// Add file for interaction between apache & Django
<Directory /home/username/project_location/project_name>
Required all granted
// Add daemon (recommended by Django official documentation)
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/username/project_location/project_name/
WSGIDaemonProcess django_app python-path=/home/username/project_location python-home=/home/username/project_location/venv
WSGIProcessGroup django_app
Save and exit the edit mode.
// Enable site
sudo a2ensite project_name
// Disable default config
sudo s2dissite 000-default.conf
// For your DB (Apache will become group owner of this file)
sudo chown :www-data project_location/db.sqlite3
// Set permission for the same
sudo chmod 664 project_location/db.sqlite3
// Add owner for project folder itself
sudo chown :www-data project_location/
sudo chmod 775 project_location/
// Verify using ls -la command to check for owner & group
// Also add for any folder(s) which might contain data like images uploaded by user (let's assume folder name is media)
sudo chown -R :www-data project_location/media/
sudo chmod -R 775 project_location/media/
If your project contains sensitive information such as keys, credentials then you should create a config file as mentioned below -
sudo touch /etc/app_name/config.json
// Grab your secret key from file 'SECRET_KEY' add to JSON
"SECRET_KEY": "<secret-key>
// Other similar info (if any)
Now open the
file in edit mode and add the following -
import os
// New changes
import json
with open('/etc/app_name/config.json') as config_file:
config = json.load(config_file)
// Other Code ...
DEBUG = False
// Any other similar usage needs to updated
Now save and exit.
sudo ufw delete allow 8000
sudo ufw allow http/tcp
sudo service apache2 restart
Try using your IP address (only without port) on your browser and you should see your website. Now you can test your functionality.
If everything works you're all set. You can also refer to the official documentation checklist page for reference.