R functions currently available - SvenGastauer/scatmod GitHub Wiki

Functions currently available for R:

Name Description
besselH Hankel function
c_Coppens1981 Sound speed according to Coppens et al. (1981)
c_Leroy08 Compute speed of sound according to Leroy et al. (2008)
c_Mackenzie1981 Sound speed according to Mackenzie et al. (1981)
k Calculate the acoustic wavenumber k
K_p0 compressibility at p = 0
lambda Calculate the acoustic wave length lambda
LegPoly Calculate Legendre Polynomial
rho Seawater Density according to UNESCO formula
rho_p0 Density (rho) at normal atmospheric pressure (p = 0)
rho_smow Standard Mean Ocean Water (SMOW)
Sbessj Spherical bessel function first kind
Sbessj_p Derivative of the Spherical bessel function first kind
SHankel Spherical Hankel function
SHankel_p Derivative of the Spherical Hankel function
Sneum Spherical bessel function second kind (Neumann)
Sneum_p Derivative of the Spherical bessel function second kind
TS.sphere2 Calculate the analytical solution for a weakly scattering sphere