VibeCheck App Setup - SutekhVRC/VibeCheck GitHub Wiki

Basic Setup

  1. Run VibeCheck.
  2. If VibeCheck is your only OSC app that receives data from VRChat, skip step 3.
  3. If you are using multiple OSC apps that Receive data from VRChat consider using my OSC router app: VOR. Then go to the 'Settings' tab and setup VibeCheck's OSC bind host/port to listen on.
  4. Setup connection for Bluetooth or Lovense Connect, and turn on your toy(s). Then press the "Look for toys" button to scan.

Scan for toys

  1. Once your toy(s) are connected, configure them to use the parameters you want them to listen for (Floats and Booleans only).

Toy Config

  1. Once your toy is configured/saved press the enable switch in the bottom left to start using VibeCheck with VRChat. (Already be enabled if you pressed scan)

Enable OSC

  1. Once you are in VRChat you will need to enable OSC in the expressions menu. If you have used OSC before with your avatar, remember to refresh the OSC config for that avatar (Click the Refresh OSC button in the VibeCheck settings menu and re-load the avatar).

Refresh Avatar OSC Configs

  1. You should be all set now. Enjoyyyyyy ;}