Tag Reference - Surge-ee/SurgeEO GitHub Wiki
#Tags There are available tags. Note that any parameters surrounded by square brackets "[ ]" are optional parameters (just like in PHP documentation). Don't actually write those in your code.
- Title
- Keywords
- Description
- Author Information
- Google+ Profile
- Canonical
- Robots
Basic Tags
[prepend="override prepend"]
[append="override append"]
[fallback="override fallback title text"]
[uri="override what uri is used to identify the page"] (for pages)
[url_title="url segment"] (for entries)
Sample Output:
An Article - MySite.com
Note that use of prepend / append parameters will override the global append / prepend options. If defined, fallback text will be used in the case that a title is not defined in the SurgeEO tab of the entry or Pages section. Otherwise, text will fallback to the title of the entry first, then to the default title text defined in SurgeEO's settings.
[url_title="url segment"]
[uri="override what uri is used to identify the page"] (for pages)
[fallback="override fallback keywords text"] (for entries)
Sample Output:
If defined, fallback text will be used in the case that keywords are not defined for a matched page. If no fallback is defined, the global default (set in the control panel) will be used instead.
[url_title="url segment"] (for entries)
[uri="override what uri is used to identify the page"] (for pages)
[fallback="override fallback description text"]
Sample Output:
This is my short description that will show up in the SERPS
If defined, fallback text will be used in the case that a description is not defined for a matched page. If no fallback is defined, the global default (set in the control panel) will be used instead.
[uri="override what uri is used to identify the page"]
[fallback="override fallback description text"]
Sample Output:
Author Name, [email protected]
If defined, fallback text will be used in the case that author is not defined for a matched page. If no fallback is defined, the global default (set in the control panel) will be used instead.
###Google+ Profile
[uri="override what uri is used to identify the page"]
[fallback="override fallback description text"]
Sample Output:
If defined, fallback text will be used in the case that gplus is not defined for a matched page. If no fallback is defined, the global default (set in the control panel) will be used instead.
Other Tags
###Canonical Links
{exp:surgeeo:canonical url="{title_permlink='some/template'}"}
Sample Output:
<link rel="canonical" href="http://mysite.com/template/a_specific_article" />
Sample Output:
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
Page Tags
The page-only onvocation of the above tags have been deprecated. If you are still using the page_* versions of the above, they will continue to work by transparently passing through to the unified tag.