Working report - SupreethSudhakaranMenon/web-app GitHub Wiki
Daily updates of my work:
22nd May - Made UI improvements in the Configuration screen , tested for user input validation for some of the form-fields.
23rd May - Added few JavaScript functionalities for the Configuration screen.
24th May - Designed and discussed the UI for Criteria Screen and also added DB table related to this screen in sql file.
25th May - Insertion of Radio Buttons in the UI.
26th May - Added new DB table for the fourth screen and added Service Interface File for the fourth screen.
27th May - Service Java File was added to the Files.
28th May - Service Impl Java File related to Scorecard Screen was added and will be linked to the repositories.
29th May - Repository Java file and entity file related to the Screen were added.
30th May - Main Java File for the screen was added to the file-system in the entities package.
31st May - Controller File was added to the "controllers" package for the usage of GET , POST methods.
1st June - Html files were added to the templates folder which are used to GET , UPDATE the details of the user.
2nd June - Discussed with the mentor on improving the work.
3rd June - Worked on Primary issues of UI buttons , changes in the field size , replacements of the names of button , updation in the sql file , alignment of the tickbox in the form.
4th June - Added the java script files needed for the UI and the footer related files in the file-system and also added stylesheet(css) in the file-system.
5th June - Add popup messages to the pages.
6th June - Have gone through the JSON documentations , and its implementations used.
7th June - Added GET request method for obtaining data from JSON file and was able to put it up on the console.
10th June - Added filter bar in the details page of the characteristic screen not fully functional.
11th June - Worked on importing the dropdowns from json file.
12th June - Configured the project for Intellij and added new files as required for the migration from springtoolsuite to IntelliJ Ide.
13th June - Build functions for populating html dropdowns for characteristic screen using JS and JSON.
14th June - Started implementing the onhover and onclick functionalities for the tables in feature details screen.
17th June - Was able to make the functions run properly and migrated the functions to a new file.
18th June - Added JS functions and CSS used in mifos web-app for some of the functionalities in my UI.
19th June - Updated the CSS files for Characteristic Screen.
20th June - Updated the CSS files for Characteristic Screen.
21st June - Updated the CSS files for Characteristic Screen Details.
22nd June - Added the fonts files and font-awesome.css files as used in the mifos web-app and linked it with the UI for the characteristic screen.
23rd June - Updated the CSS files for Configuration Screen.
24th June - Updated the CSS files for Configuration Screen.
25th June - Updated the CSS files for Configuration Screen Details.
26th June - Added the fonts files and font-awesome.css files as used in the mifos web-app and linked it with the UI for the configuration screen.
27th June - Configured database tables , columns and resolved some of the issues in the UI.
28th June - Was going through the angular documentation.
29th June - Going through the codebase of fineract and tried to locally install it on my machine.
30th June - The process continued for more than a day and started to install the front-end codebase.
1st July - Have understood the code-base partially and was trying to implement the screens which were initially created using spring boot web application.
2nd July - I have added the files used for Feature screen and but facing some issues in routing the files.
3rd July - Updated the html and .ts files of navigation module for trial purposes.
4th July - Explored the different technologies used in the web-app code-base and have gone through different links for getting thorough knowledge of RESTFul Services.
5th July - Continued going through the different links , also read through the API documentation.
6th July - Also , now i started developing the Feature Screen in web-app in angular 6.
7th July - Today , after completion of Feature Screen will start working on Development of configuration screen. Will be adding respective modules of the screens in the main routing file of the app (web-app
8th July - I have added the trial version of the Details page for both Characteristic and Configuration Screen in the web-app. This Details page is used to show the information filed in screens as per the User and will be also used for viewing it individually.
9th July - The Details page and both screens were updated by new features. In addition to the Buttons , also a Get button is also added which is used to redirect to details page of the respective Screen. In the Details page Active , Inactive and Create Buttons are also created but out of them only Create has the provided redirection. The rest of them will be only functional if the data is loaded from the Feature and Characteristic Screens.
10th July - Going through the files which were used for connecting the web-app with the servers. ( environment.ts ).
11th July - I explored the various files used in the other forms of the web-app and also the back-end process of the code related to the forms.
12th July - I had locally installed fineract on my machine in Virtual Box and will try to install the web-app also in virtual box so that i can test it after writing my code. But after the installation of the web-app i was facing issues as in it failed to compile. Hope so it resolves soon.
13th July - I had resolved the issue of the web-app on my machine. But suddenly after that i faced another issue with the fineract setup on my machine.
14th July - Now i am in a condition where one works the other doesn't and i am facing a lot of problems with this.
15th,16th and 17th July - These days i have spent only figuring out what were the issues and was trying to solve them and by today i will somehow complete.
18th July - Successfully installed both web-app and fineract locally on ubuntu server in my machine.
19th July - I needed to test the web-app locally with local fineract , but as of now i have done the test by taking staging server as the base api URL.
20th July - Today will try to get some demo data from the org. and also i have updated the work.
21st July - I have shifted the details page of both the screens in another dropdown and also started working on developing the third screen.
22nd July - Tried testing the web-app with locally installed fineract running on my machine , providing the baseApiUrl:http://localhost:8080/fineract-provider , was successful in signing in the app.
23rd July - Today , i have created the Criteria Screen in the UI . This allows for obtaining key values, some of the features could be from DB schema(requiring SQL) and some could be from an API(XML or JSON).
24th July - Gone through different sub-folders used for different modules in web-app and fineract.
25th July - Today , i had a successful move on debugging the application. It was not easy though took a ton of time also i would like to create a documentation for that and will send it across the community.
26th July - I tried accessing different pages by setting the breakpoints and also tested some of the API. But was stuck when accessing the list of journal entries , getting an error message "Full authentication is required to access this feature".
27th July - Will set up the DB Tables for the first screen.
29th July - I have gone through the different MVC architecture used in the backend code for writing API's.
30th July - Worked on developing the Criteria details page for the UI.
31st July - I was working with the API's and also created some basic API and tested in Fineract. I faced some issues here and also in the Postman there was an error message. Will try to get it resolved and also clean up my git.
1st Aug - By now , i shall start developing the Fourth Screen.
2nd Aug - I have developed the Fourth Screen. Partial functionality for the screen should be done once it is linked with the Backend.
3rd Aug - Had a discussion with the mentor regarding the further improvements in the UI. There are some extra features to be added.
4th Aug - Added the new features to the screens.
5th Aug - Tested the Basic Hello World API in both Browser and Postman. It was a successful one,.
6th Aug - Will try to continue my work by extending the API to CRUD application for the Screens
7th Aug - The DB table for the second screen was also set and pushed into the branch. It can also be altered further as per the conditions prevailing then.
8th Aug - Different folders required for the Backend support such as api, data, domain, handler, service were also included.
9th Aug - ApiResource, Data, FeatureScreenClass, CreateFeatureScreenCommandHandler and FeatureScreenWritePlatformService files are added.
10th Aug - I went through some of the topics required for further development of the code such as Bean, Beancontent, DependencyInjection, IoC Container.
11th Aug to 21st Aug - Continued to write the Backend code also my college work had started so there was much lesser time i have given.