Internal Radio Setup - Superxpdude/tmtm_template GitHub Wiki

Internal document detailing how the radio setup script works.


Global variables


Default SW frequencies for that side. Formatted as an array of 9 strings.


Default LR frequencies for that side. Formatted as an array of 9 strings.

Unit variables (Set during the mission)


Variable attached to a unit that stores their SR radio settings when they die. Consists of the following values:

  1. The prototype classname of the radio
  2. SR radio settings obtained from TFAR_fnc_getSWSettings


Variable attached to a unit that stores their LR radio settings when they die. Consists of the following values:

  1. The classname of the backpack LR radio
  2. LR radio settings obtained from TFAR_fnc_getLRSettings

Setup variables


Variable set on a unit or group in the editor. Defines the default SW radio channel for that group.

Value is a number between 0 and 7.


Variable set on a unit or group in the editor. Defines the default LR radio channel for that group.

Value is a number between 0 and 7.

TFAR functions


Returns an array of radio settings in the following format

  1. Active channel (0-7)
  2. Volume (0-9)
  3. Array of channel frequencies (array of 9 strings)
  4. Stereo setting (0 = both, 1 = left, 2 = right)
  5. Encryption code (String)
  6. Additional Channel (0-7, -1 to disable)
  7. Additional stereo
  8. PlayerUID of owner
  9. Speakers (Bool)
  10. Power status (Bool, can only be set by script)


Returns an array of radio settings in the following format

  1. Active channel (0-8)
  2. Volume (0-9)
  3. Array of channel frequencies (array of 9 strings)
  4. Stereo setting (0 = both, 1 = left, 2 = right)
  5. Encryption code (String)
  6. Additional Channel (0-7, -1 to disable)
  7. Additional stereo
  8. Radio Owner (not sure what this is for LR)
  9. Speakers (Bool)
  10. Power status (Bool, can only be set by script)