HUE Battery - Supergiovane/node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate GitHub Wiki

This node lets you get the battery level from your HUE device. Here you can get the HUE battery level events, that represents a percentage 0-100% value, evetytime the battery level changes.

Start typing in the GA field, the name or group address of your KNX device, the avaiable devices start showing up while you're typing.


Property Description
KNX GW Select the KNX gateway to be used
HUE Bridge Select the HUE Bridge to be used
Hue Sensor HUE sensor to be used. The avaiable devices start showing up while you're typing.
Read status at startup Read the status at startup and emit the event to the KNX bus at startup/reconnection. (Default "no")
Property Description
Level The battery level group address. The group address must be a percentage 0-100% (5.001)
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️